Short Story: Mystery Attacks Part 2

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Blaze woke up, looking around her and smiling.
Ah, the Ice Kingdom. Freezing cold but glittery.

She shook her head and got out of her bed. She scrunched her snout, unable to choose between an emerald necklace or a golden topaz necklace.

Blaze ended up picking the golden topaz one and put on her cloak.

She admired herself in the mirror, smiling. I really am beautiful aren't I?
She shook her head and tried to concentrate. Ok, today is an important war meet day thing. Boring old war talk. I can do this!

Blaze stood up taller and opened the door. Three guards were stationed outside of her door.
I thought there were four?

"Excuse me. What happened to the other guard?" Blaze asked one of the Icewings.

He sort of jumped up, surprised that Blaze was talking to him.

"Oh, there were always three guards here," he said matter-a-factly.
Blaze shrugged, and walking down the stairs. She tried to get suppress a yawn but didn't manage to well.

As two guards of her own guards followed behind her, she tried to figure out where the War Room was.

"Maybe to the left? No... the right?" She mumbled to herself.

She saw an Icewing walk past her.

"Oh, excuse me!" She called out. The Icewing turned around, clearly impatient and in a hurry.

"Yes?" He asked, in a deep and boring voice.

"Do you know where the War Room is? You see I'm Princess Blaze," Blaze said, and opened her wings slightly when she said Princess. "And I need to find the war room, quickly."

He mumbled under his breath, and Blaze could tell her guards tensed behind her, not keen on this rude Icewing.

"Of course, right this way," he said, and he went in the opposite direction Blaze was going.

Whoops, no surprise that I was wrong.

The four dragons walked past the long hallways and Blaze looked around, seeing some Icewings.

"What's your name?" She asked.

The Icewing didn't look in the mood to talk, but did anyway.

"Fjord." He said bluntly.

"Interesting," was all Blaze could say. Icewings and their weird names.

Then they got to the War Room.

Blaze smiled at Fjord as a thanks, but all he did was lash his tail less than before.

The Icewing guards outside of the room opened the doors for Blaze, and she walked in.

She noticed that everyone was already there, and she sheepishly sat down on her seat next to Glacier.

"Now that all of us are here, we should discuss the issue with the Skywings," Glacier said, authority ringing in her voice.

"Your majesty," someone said. Glacier looked at her with an impatient look.

"Yes Atka?" Glacier asked.

"Your majesty, I was wondering at what time we were supposed to get here."

Blaze tried to keep her face looking the same, but she's pretty sure she failed.

"That topic isn't what we're talking about Atla," Glacier said, her tone clearly saying that the conversation was over.

Blaze squirmed in her seat. Did the Icewings not like her? Well, of course some of them attacked her, but what if there were more?

Was that Icewing General looking at her strangely? Did one of the Icewing guards glare at her?
After the meeting...
Blaze barely heard Queen Glacier saying that the meeting was over.

She bit her lip and glanced around nervously.
"Blaze?" Glacier's voice snapped Blaze back to reality.

"Hm? I didn't catch that," Blaze said.

"I said, why don't we go to the garden?" Glacier said, slightly smiling.

"Sure!" Blaze said, trying to shake the paranoia out of her mind.

As they walked outside of the room, Blaze started to tense less and less.

"Princess Blaze, shall we stay outside of the garden?" Alula asked when they'd arrived in front of the greenhouse doors.

Blaze liked Alula. Alula was barely an adult dragon, yet drafted as a Sandwing guard.

"Yes, keep guard outside please," Blaze said, trying her queenliest voice.
When the doors closed behind them, Blaze let out a sigh of relief.

"You seem pretty relaxed," Glacier joked. Blaze looked up at Glacier and smiled.

"Just the whole kingdom and war stuff getting to my head," Blaze responded. They walked around the greenhouse, looking at the flowers.

Except, Blaze wasn't really looking at the flowers.
Glacier is so pretty. She'd totally protect me if anything were to happen! I'm fine with her here.
Glacier caught her staring and Blaze just looked away, her face turning hot.

Glacier chuckled. "You know Blaze, it's fine to get overwhelmed. It happens to everyone."

"Even you?" Blaze asked.

Glacier tried to smile, but it was definitely a fake one. Whenever Blaze would talk about emotions, Glacier never knew how to express hers.

Blaze walked next to Glacier and twined her tail with hers.
Holy desert vipers she's cold!

Eventually, it was time to go.

"Sorry Blaze, I've got to go update the Icewing status." Glacier said after awhile of them standing in silence.

"Ugh, I can't believe a stupid 'gift of order' is more important than me!"

Glacier rolled her eyes. They walked out of the greenhouse, and said goodbye.
Alula and another Sandwing guard followed Blaze through the castle.

However, Blaze felt weird. As if someone was watching her.

Her guards were uneasy too, glancing around.
All of a sudden, an Icewing came out of nowhere.
Blaze screamed, and her guards went in the attack stance.

The Icewing was breathing heavily. "Princess... Blaze... woah, I'm out of breath. You're needed, it's an emergency!"

An emergency? Is Glacier ok?

"Your highness, I don't think it's a good idea," Alula whispered to her.

"What?" Blaze asked.

"Where are the other Icewing guards? What's the emergency anyway? Are you sure we can trust them?" Alula whispered.

Blaze hesitated. On one talon, I want to trust Alula. But on the other talon, what if there's actually an emergency?

But while Blaze was debating whether or not to go, she heard a thump. She turned around, and saw both of her guards knocked out.

"Sorry Princess. No hard feelings," the Icewing in front of her said.

Blaze bared her teeth, hissing. She felt her tail being pulled down.

Blaze turned around and saw two Icewings holding her tail with the poisonous barb down.

"I, Princess Blaze, order you too-," Blaze started, but couldn't end her sentence.

She felt something hit her very hard on the head, then everything went blurry, then black.
A/N: hehe cliffhanger. Which I actually hate but I guess I'm doing one. Sry that I barley update, it's hard to find some motivation sometimes. Also I might edit this later cause I haven't read it all, maybe there'll be some mistakes. Thx for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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