chapter one: life changing.

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murder song - Aurora.

(a/n: IMPORTANT! quick question, how do you dedicate a chapter to someone at the top of the chapter?)

Chapter 1.


AUGUST 29TH 2018

9: 27pm.

I LOOKED at the familiar house in front of me.

Police sirens filled the air. The black words written on the yellow tape, burned into my head. A caution tape. I grabbed the nearest tree to me for support as I gasped, trying to wrap my head around what had happened.

"Please, someone tell me it was a lie. Please tell me it didn't happen." I continued to chant to myself more than any other person.

My mom wrapped her arms around me but I shook free of her hold. "You wanted this to happen," I accused her, eyes filled with anger. "You never did like him." I spat, venom eminent in my words.

My beautiful brown haired surfer. He was gone, just like that.

My mother was shocked. She looked tired with bag underneath her eyes as a result of little sleep and many work. "I didn't want this to happen," She said, her voice slightly above a whisper.

A police woman ran towards us, her hand on her gun that was nested in a shoulder holster. "I will need you to evacuate the area, please."

"Please, he's my boyfriend. Tell me something," I pleaded, my eyes pricked as it began to fill. My feelings were a mess and I knew I wouldn't be okay until I saw him. Until I knew he was okay.

She sighed. I checked the name pinned to her blue shirt. Anna Henderson.

"He's been taken to the hospital," she was saying. "He's in a very bad state but he will survive."

That was what she was to say right? I don't know why I didn't trust her. I wanted to see him first.

"See," my mom used this as a leverage. "He will survive."

"Mom!" I snapped at her, gasping. I wasn't ready to talk to her right now. "Can I see him?" I asked the officer.

Officer Anna nodded, pointing her hand towards the street again. The heat from the fire had died own earlier as the firefighters had done their job.

I covered my mouth with my hands as sobs after sobs shook my body. My mom had a soothing hand running up and down my back as she tried to get me to stop crying.

I shook her hands off me. "Where is he?"

"The general hospital." This was the officer.

"I know a doctor there. He'll have the best care." My mom said, her phone to her ear.

"Let's go, please." Officer Anna said, putting a hand to my back as my mom followed us.

We entered her sedan and she drove us to the hospital.

The doctors said they did everything they could. That they couldn't save him. The damage was too much. There was no saving him now, they had said.

He was dead.


Sorry for this type of beginning. I promise it gets better. We just need to know that this was the day everything changed for her.

Okay, let's see those votes and comments and sharing.

Next chapter is awaiting!


Much love,


Chlorine | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now