chapter seventeen: beach.

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lose you to love me - Selena Gomez.

Chapter 17.

I HAD pushed him back.

I had told him, “We can’t.”

He had asked me, a little sad, “where do you want to go?”

And I said, “Nowhere. I changed my mind.”

He had left.

And I had left the house too.

I breathe the salty air as it rushed by me in a gush of wind. I held the hem of my dress, ankle deep in the water. Oh, how I’ve missed the chlorine.

I looked around the deserted beach. I had paid the cab that brought me here in a hurry. Since it was almost in the night, this beach was deserted.

I walked further into the sea. When the water line got underneath my chin, I dived. Water flooded my body. I stayed longer than normal.

Then I saw him. I saw Timothy again.

He was smiling at me and he ran to hug me. He whispered how he missed me. And I smiled. Then all of a sudden he was drawing back and he mouthed “goodbye”. He started to fade and I swam towards him but he was gone sooner than I expected.

I stayed in a place, arms flailing and internally said goodbye.

I knew I had to finish whatever we had so I could start a new relationship with Alec.

An arm wrapped around me as my lungs started to ache and pulled me out of the water. I spouted water. I looked up to find a pair of blue eyes staring down at me.


“Fuck, are you okay?”

I smiled at him. “Yeah,” I choked out.

He wrapped me in a hug, pulling me into his wet body. “Don’t die,” he whispered into my hair, “please don’t drown.” He drew back from the hug. “Stop doing that!”

I nodded. There was something about the way he gripped my shoulder and looked down at me that told me he was scared.

He dropped his hand, suddenly feeling the urge to pull back from me. I had pushed him away earlier so I didn’t blame him.

“Don’t you have a life?” I asked jokingly.


“You’re always either saving me or in my house. No friends?”

He scoffed. “Oh, that’s some real wit you got there, Carter.” I rolled my eyes.

“I have lots, unlike you.” He continued and I wanted to feign an offended face but it came out as a grimace. “I was hanging out with them when you rushed by the bar we were at.”

I had distracted Maddie and left her at a convenience store in a filling station near the bar. I smirked.

“So you followed me to make sure I was okay?”

“Don’t get full of yourself.”

“But you did.” I couldn’t help but smile.

“Come on.” He stood up. “Let me take you home.”


I'm feeling sleepy right now, so help me with the grammar will you?

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Much love,

Oyinkansola 💕

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