chapter twenty one: bonfire.

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Lover - Taylor Swift.

Chapter 21.

HEY BOYFRIEND.” I greeted Alec as I entered his sedan.

He turned to face me, surprised. “Boyfriend?”

I shrugged, buckling the seatbelt in place. “Are you not?”

“Yeah, but I thought after-”

“She approved.”

He grinned. “That’s good, girlfriend.”

We kissed before he turned the key and the car roared to life. “Where are we going?” I asked.

“What’s wrong, you don’t want to be out?”

I shrugged. “At seven in the evening? It’s just not my territory.”

“Well, be prepared to be amazed babe.”

He started driving out of the driveway and I entwined my fingers with his spare ones, his other one expertly moved the steering wheel. When the car finally wheeled to a stop and we got out, I realized we were at the beach. From afar a bonfire lit unto the starry sky.

“What’s this?”

“A bonfire party. Never been to one?”

I shook my head and he shrugged.

“I’m not surprised.”

Before we could go further or I could give him a mean — but playful — glare and a sharp remark, a figure ran towards us then followed by two others. They both expertly ran through the sand dunes, except the last one. A redhead one which I later identified was Sadie.

The first guy stopped in front of Alec and crouched for a while to catch his breath. The other two caught up.

“Mabel!” Sadie yelled, pulling me into a hug.

“Dude!” The second guy said, hugging Alec.

Alec was still grinning. “Wassup?”

“Nothing, bro. I’m just glad you’re here. A lot of chics came here for you, dude. It’ll have been very terrible if you didn’t showed up.”

“Well, meet Mabel,” Alec said, wrapping an arm around me. “My girlfriend.”

Six eyeballs fell on me. Sadie squealed, grinning at me.

“DUUUUDE!” first guy exclaimed, his hands dropping on Alec’s shoulders. “She’s fucking pretty. I’m Xavier. Number one cute guy.”

Why was I meeting this people now? They seemed so awesome.

“Mabel,” I brought forth a hand but was immediately pulled into a hug by Xavier.

“Dude, get off her!” Alec yelled, tugging Xavier off. He wrapped his arms possessively around me but I just laughed at the scene.

The second guy introduced himself as Drayton.

We walked to the party and I realized just how famous Alec was. West Hart, possibly being the one that told the girls Alec was going to be there, kept forcing herself on Alec even though he kept pushing her away. I finally stepped into action, insulting her and getting her to finally leave Alec alone.

“To be honest, I thought you had no close friends. That you were just popular.” I confessed to Alec, my hand rubbing the sea glass.

He scoffed. “To be honest I thought you were sickle celled.”

I gasped, “For real.” He nodded. “Why?”

“You were thin when I saw you, too much time almost drowning probably. Plus, when my mom and your mom were talking she kept saying you wanted to kill yourself faster than your time.”

I laughed and he joined in.

“Oh, that woman.”

“Hey, I’m just glad it wasn’t true.”

I chuckled. “Right.”

“Hey,” he turned me to face him. “I don’t know what will happen but we have each other now and we'll always be there for each other, isn’t that what matters?”

I nodded and pecked him.

“What was that for?”

“Thank you for being there.”

He hugged me and kissed my hair. “Always.”


Oh! One more chapter to go!

It seems everyone just loves to kiss Mabel's hair, from Sadie down to Alec, hehe

Thanks, you behind the screen, for always being there. Till this very end.

Well, let's get to the last chapter.

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Your beloved author,
Oyinkansola 💕

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