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The day began at ease as the girl listened to Yuta, the leader, commanding the members to their respected positions before coming to a halt at the girl sitting at the table

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The day began at ease as the girl listened to Yuta, the leader, commanding the members to their respected positions before coming to a halt at the girl sitting at the table.

"I need you to spy on the Silver Bullets."

Heejin's eyes widened and her mouth parted slightly in disbelief.
"The Silver Bullets? You want me to spy on them- I'm going to get killed!"
Yuta rolled his eyes, sliding a loaded gun across the table to the girl and began walking out of the door.

"Good luck."

"Hey wait- and he's gone." She muttered, groaning in frustration and running a hand over her face, sighing at the fact she was most likely going to die.

"Uh, like I mean it's good to know uh Yuta like thinks you're uh good enough to like uh spy on them." Mark said awkwardly, trying to disrupt the overwhelming silence.

Heejin slammed her hand down, not too harshly, but enough to get Mark to wince as she turned to him with the most blank and emotionless expression she could muster.
She blinked at him, breathing from her nose in attempts to calm herself down.

"So I wasn't good enough before?" She said and Mark chuckled nervously, begining to stand up.
"That's uh not what I was like uh trying to say..." He trailed off as Heejin stood up, Mark clambered up to his feet- yelping as he ran out of the room.

It was quite normal for Heejin to be sent as a spy for other gangs, usually it ended in success but this one mission left her on edge.

She was pulling on her clothes, finding the most normal teenage girl outfit and grabbing a cap to conceal her identity.
Grabbing the earpiece, she began walking out of the room- coming to a close near the rest of the members.

"Remember, if Donghyuck notifies you of anything- get out of there." Yuta commanded clearly and the girl nodded before looking over at Donghyuck.
"It's on you if I die."

Donghyuck rolled his eyes and pushed the girl out of the door.
"You won't die."
"It's the Silver Bullets! They've been our rival since day one and if they realise it's me, I'll be dead- ugh whatever I'm going." She grumbled after her rant.

The boys watched as she left the building, exiting the safety of their grounds before disappearing off sight and into their territory.

This couldn't end well.

This couldn't end well

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