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"Are you sure it's here?" Heejin's distant voice asked through the cold air, attempting to keep up with her boyfriend through the crunching of leaves and looming of the bright green trees that left her in awe

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"Are you sure it's here?" Heejin's distant voice asked through the cold air, attempting to keep up with her boyfriend through the crunching of leaves and looming of the bright green trees that left her in awe.

The woods they grew up playing in seemed so unfamiliar to them both, yet waves of nostalgia washing over them like a warm blanket.

Jeno turned around to see Heejin struggling to keep up and he smiled at her unknown to her, watching her intently before holding his hand out.

"Come on Rosa, the sun is going to go down soon."
Heejin rolled her eyes, reaching Jeno and placing her smaller hand in his large warm one.

He tugged her up the rocky mounts of grass and avoiding the bumps that could lead to a fatal fall and the journey seemed much longer than it had when they were kids.

"Do you even remember where it was Love?" She voiced, eyes raking over the surroundings. "Maybe it isn't there anymore."

"No one goes here Rosa, it has to be around here somewhere." He murmured, tightening his grip and pulling her along with him and she sighed, already tired.

Out of breath, she stopped and it made Jeno's body jerk, looking back at her confused.
Heejin shook her head, unable to keep up with him and her legs burned, aching.

"I can't." She breathed out, putting her hands on her knees.
Jeno rolled his eyes at her dramatic self and crouched in front of her.

"Come on you baby, we're nearly there."
Heejin broke out into a grin, holding onto him from the back as he hoisted her up with his hands on her thighs and effortlessly walked.

She sighed contently, letting her chin drop to his shoulder and watching the scenery of nature encase them, making them feel grounded and grateful.

Her lips grazed over his jaw, pressing a loving kiss on it and he couldn't help but smile, her giggle vibrating through his ears.

Soon, a gasp fell from her lips and he was about to ask her what happened but his eyes landed on what was in front of them.

Their childhood treehouse.

"Oh my god, Hyeonie- look!" she exclaimed excitedly- tightening her grip on him and he hurried over to it in awe- it was still there.

Heejin came off of his back, walking up speechlessly to the treehouse and her fingers grazed over the sign.

Keep out!!

She chuckled at the letters that were slanted and all different lengths and she could almost envision herself carving it in years ago with Jeno who nagged at her at the fact she could get hurt.

Heejin excitedly began to climb the ladder and he gasped slightly.
"Be careful, it might not be safe now!" He nagged in concern.

She finally reached the inside, mouth agape at the sight of her childhood all in one place- clambering up and hands over her mouth at the reminiscent memories.

There remained the makeshift beds/chill out space with a bunch of old book and comics along with the discarded camera hidden partially behind the blue blanket.
Pictures in a pile on a box and the pages of drawings and letters situated next to it.

Heejin and Jeno found themselves discovering their childhood together through the things they left and Jeno reached for the old camera.

She shuffled over to him, sitting between his legs with her back on his chest as he held the camera and began to flicker through the videos and pictures.

"Stop it! Stop Hyeonie, I don't like it!" The girl screamed at Jeno who held a spider in his hand chasing the girl around.

"Heejin you're such a baby!" Hyunsik laughed out and then the wails of the scared girl broke out and Jeno froze- throwing the insect away into the grass and running over to the girl who crouched onto the floor.

"Rosa? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, please don't cry!"

Heejin and Jeno both smiled uncontrollably at the memories that lit up in front of them.

"Okay, how do you feel?" Hyunsik asked the 8 year old boy and Jeno smiled toothily with his front tooth missing and he was wearing a smart suit.

"I'm nervous but I'm happy." He spoke, fidgeting with his hands and then the sound of music infiltrated the air.

Jeno glanced to the side to see Heejin in a white dress and flowers in her hair as she walked down the path with Yena's arm linked through hers.

"Wow, she looks beautiful." Jeno whispered out and the camera cut till the next scene.

"Okay, I pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may now kiss the bride!" Yena squealed out as Jeno and Heejin held hands facing each other before leaning in and placing a chaste kiss to each other.

"Ew!" Hyunsik shrilled out, covering his eyes and there was laughter from Heejin's parents, along with Jeno's Mother who watched.

"Okay so, here is the newly married- the wedding must have been tiring because they've both passed out." Heejin's Mother spoke out in a whisper, showing the two who slept soundly before it was spun around.

"We're all glad we saw you get married." Jeno's Mother giggled, her eyes turning into Cresent moons and Heejin's Mum nodded.

"Mum..." She whispered out sadly and Jeno swallowed down the lump in his own throat at the sight of his late Mother.

"It's Jeno's 11th birthday today and Heejin decided to surprise him, didn't you?" Jeno's Mother asked, turning the camera to Heejin who nodded- decorating the cake.

"I want to make sure he has the best birthday."
"I'm sure he will sweetheart, you're the kindest girl I've ever met... you'll grow up to be the most beautiful won't you?" She said, running her fingers through Heejin's hair.

Jeno watched with tears in his eyes as his Mother spoke kind heartily and lovingly to his girlfriend.

"You'll look after him won't you Heejin? Even if I'm not there?"
"Of course! I love Hyeonie he's my favourite person even if he's annoying sometimes!" She giggled.

"Maybe you'll both actually get married one day." His mother commented and Heejin narrowed her eyes.
"What do you mean, we are married."

Jeno tightened his arm around Heejin's midriff, leaning his chin on her shoulder and she leaned back into him.

"You know," she began, turning her head towards him, wiping away the fallen tears from his eyes with a smile. "Technically we're still married."

Jeno let out a emotional laugh and pushed her hair back gently, giving her a soft kiss before gazing into her eyes.

"Happy one year anniversary Rosa."


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