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Yeah we'll get to heaven

^ it means Jeno is dead so he's going heaven ygm

5 days, it had been 5 days since and Jeno remained in a state of critical condition- array of tubes hooked up to his lifeless body and the only sound heard was the rhythmical heart monitor

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5 days, it had been 5 days since and Jeno remained in a state of critical condition- array of tubes hooked up to his lifeless body and the only sound heard was the rhythmical heart monitor.

Hours faded into days and soon the days would become a week- ending in little possibilities of his health returning to normal.

"Why isn't he waking up yet?" Heejin's hoarse, emotional voice asked the nurse that had walked in.

She stopped, turning towards Heejin with a glint in her eyes.
"You failed to mention your vision came back- I worked hard to save you, you know."

Heejin straightened up in her seat, eyes trained on the nurse.
"Oh..." She trailed off, watching as the nurse began to change Jeno's bandages.
"Thank you."

"You know," the nurse began, eyes flickering up to Heejin who's gaze remained on the boy.

"You both are exactly the same...when you were injured he was exactly like you are now... I guess the saying is true."

"What saying?"
The nurse smiled knowingly, beggining to talk out of the room.

"You'd do anything for the ones you love."

The sound of faint background music lulled Heejin into a state of deep thought, sitting on the chair besides his bed- arms crossed on it with her head resting on them as she looked up at his face.

Mindlessly, she hummed along soothingly as her eyes raked over his features.

Drifting over her eyes to his hand that rested immobile on the bed next to her arms.

"You know...I'm just waiting for the cliche hand movement to happen and then you'd wake up and we'd be okay." She whispered, laughing out afterwards.

Her smile quickly diminished as she was left basking in the uneasy silence, reminding her that his stability wasn't promised.

She let her hand softly fall to his cold one- moving her thumb over it comfortingly before holding his hand in hers and letting out a long sigh.

As she began slipping into the dark thoughts within her mind, the doors burst open.

"Uncle Jennie!" A small high pitched frantic voice cut through the serenity of the hospital room.

Heejin moved her gaze towards the door to see a flurry of pink flash across her eyes before landing on a small girl who stood on the opposite side of the hospital bed.

Her big doe eyes filled with tears upon seeing her lifeless uncle with cuts and bruises scattering his face.

She sniffled, clutching onto his arm before her gaze fell on Heejin.
"Is my uncle okay?" She asked with a wavering voice and Heejin's eyes softened.

"He's okay sweetheart, he's just resting." She smiled welcomingly and the girl nodded, cheek against Jeno's arm as she stared at Heejin.

"What's your name?"
"I'm Heejin, what's yours?"

The sounds of heels clicking against the floor in a rush got closer until a woman who looked seemingly in her mid 20's entered the room.

"Miri, you can't run off without me like that!" She exclaimed with a sigh of relief before noticing the girl in the room.


She looked up at the sound of her name and her eyes widened.

"Oh my God, it's really you. I didn't believe Jeno when he told me." Yena breathed out, walking over to the girl. Heejin also stood up to walk over to the girl she hadn't seen in over a decade.

Both of them hugged, sense of nostalgia washing over them both and Yena tightened her grip.
"Thank you for looking after him." She whispered and Heejin bit her lip to stop the tears as Yena cried on her shoulder.

"I think it's the other way around." She joked and Yena laughed through her tears, knowing how overprotective Jeno had been at a young age of the girl.

They broke away and Yena wiped her eyes before turning towards her younger brother, her heart sinking and she couldn't stop the sobs falling out of her lips.

Miri's eyes widened, bottom lip trembling before bursting out into cries at the sight of her Mother breaking down.

Heejin gulped and walked over to the girl, crouching down in front of her with a soft smile.

"Hey, they have some sweets downstairs- do you want me to buy some for you?" She coaxed with a beaming smile, Miri hiccuped before nodding.

Heejin made eye contact with Yena who nodded- holding in her cries as Heejin picked up the girl and they both left the two siblings alone.

The door shut behind them and the flood to tears escaped her.
"You're such an idiot Ji-hyeon- fucking idiot." She cried. "You have to wake up...you're my little brother- I don't know what I would do without you."


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