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Heejin's leg was healing pretty nicely and now she was able to walk with the ugly boot on her foot to add extra support

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Heejin's leg was healing pretty nicely and now she was able to walk with the ugly boot on her foot to add extra support.

Limping to class, she began to get tired and leant against the lockers to catch her breath.

"You didn't attend the meeting Yesterday Rosa, are you really stepping down from the position?"

Heejin opened her eyes and scoffed.
"Fuck off Jeno."
Jeno didn't react, only standing there almost like he was waiting for her to abuse him more with words.

"And why do you talk so proper and shit, you sound like some posh kid." She pointed out and only really realised how different he was.

His posture was close to immaculate and his hair was styled to perfection- white shirt and smart trousers paired with pristine shoes that clicked when he walked.

"Why are you so..."
Jeno's face remained blank, unsure what he was even meant to say.
"It's just how I am, apologies if it makes you uncomfortable." He said monotonously and turned around, swiftly beggining to walk off.

Heejin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion yet she began trailing after him.
"Aren't you going to ask why I'm following you? Do you not care about anything? Like sometimes you're just a bit off." She mentioned, trying to decipher him.

His back was broad, he walked with such fluidity yet he was as stiff as a board.
"Have you ever cried?" She asked suddenly, pondering out loud and Jeno continued to walk.

"Huh, are you some sort of robot like..." She trailed off, shaking her head and Jeno turned around.

His eyes trailed into hers and he didn't say anything at first.
"You could smile it wouldn't hurt." She muttered and Jeno couldn't remember the last time he even smiled.

"I don't feel pain."

Heejin was taken aback by the blunt honesty that spilled from him and she felt a little awkward.
"Uh, I'm pretty sure you do..." She trailed off and Jeno turned around to begin walking again.

"So why are you helping the gang anyway? Is it your way of taking over?"
"Liar, you set fire to my family house you prick."

There was a silence that followed yet she still trailed after him.
"You claim you didn't but I saw the case, I know it was you so drop the shit and tell me why." She snarked.

Jeno didn't listen, continuing to walk and Heejin began getting frustrated.
"Answer me! Listen I won't even hesitate to slit your throat, it's not like I have any connection to you. Plus, you killed my family so I might as well kill you. You must have had a sad childhood to end up like this-"

Jeno stopped her rant by turned around abruptly and taking a step forward her, shutting her up as he loomed over her.

His eyes held immense intensity and she didn't know what he was feeling at that moment, rage?

"Who do you think I am Heejin?" He spoke, using her name for the first time in a while and it caught her off guard, unsure of what he was insinuating.

His deep brown eyes cut into hers and she equally looked up at him.
"Jeno." She stated blankly like it was a given.
"Is that it?" He pressed, staring into her eyes to which she looked away.

Jeno's eyes flickered over her frame before he took a step back and walked away from the girl, leaving her utterly confused.

Jeno's eyes flickered over her frame before he took a step back and walked away from the girl, leaving her utterly confused

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