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"This is so embarrassing I'm going to cry

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"This is so embarrassing I'm going to cry." Heejin muttered, standing blindly in the bathroom, hearing the sound of water turning on and running.

"I'm going to throw myself out of the window." She continued. "Why do I live in a house full of boys."

"I can tell someone else to help you."
"No! I mean, no that's awkward... they're like my Brothers." She shivered at the thought.

Jeno checked the water temperature with his hand and turned to the girl who stood there.

Yeah it was a bit awkward.

"Uh, I'll turn around but you need to take your clothes off."
Jeno actually did as he promised, turning around and waiting for her- he stared mindlessly at the bathroom wall.

"Are you turned around?" She asked, cheeks heating up feverishly.
"Yes I promise."
"I don't believe you."

Jeno sighed, rubbing his temples.
"Please just get naked, let's not make this more awkward as it is now."

Heejin gulped, blindly pulling her clothes off with a few winces and 'ow's.
"Uh... yeah now what- but don't look!" She cried out, covering her chest in case he was looking.

"I haven't even moved yet, I'm not going to look." He assured and Heejin nodded even though he couldn't see.
Thankfully the shower was just a walk in one and she felt around but was met with air.

"Oh fuck it just turn around and help me."

There's bigger issues than Jeno seeing you naked
It's not that big of a deal
Pfft, who cares
You're just overthinking
No stop it
Who cares
Yeah you bad b

She felt a hand on the back of her shoulder guiding her into the shower.

Oh fuck he turned around
Now what am I just meant to stand here naked while he watches?
I'm gonna die

The water hit her scalp, making her wince out and face scrunch up.
She stood there for a short while as Jeno looked everywhere but her just out of respect.

"This is fucking awkward can you at least talk?"
Jeno let out a chuckle and hummed, leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes.

"Well.." he began talking about anything mindlessly and Heejin listened, raising her arms to clean her hair but instead let out a cry of pain.

Jeno's eyes snapped open, finding her face that contorted into pain and he walked over concerned.

"What happened?" He asked worried and she huffed, rubbing her shoulder.
"I can't wash my hair." She mumbled embarrassed, cheeks painted red.

Jeno glanced over at the shelf of shampoos.
"Which one is yours?"
"Uh...any will do."
He glanced at them before picking the one with the nicest scent.
"Why is there so many just for a shampoo, wait...this is a conditioner...what the hell is a treatment and a mask-"

"Jeno can you just hurry up my legs are hurting from standing."
"Oh- yeah sorry." He snapped out of it and walked over- running his fingers through her hair gently, knowing she had hurt her head.

Heejin didn't really have and awareness of her balance and was going to slip over, thankfully she grabbed onto the side of Jeno's shirt for stability.

"It's so weird being blind." She began, opening her eyes again only to sigh and turn her head in his direction but she wasn't looking directly at him.

"Is it...do I have a lot of scars?" She asked scared to know the answer as her self confidence would plummet more than it already has.

"They'll fade." He said briefly, washing out the shampoo from her hair as the dried blood began to wash out.

There was a frown on her face, trying to envision what her body looked like, bruised and scarred.

Jeno noticed her silence and looked away from her hair to her face.
"If you're going to wallow in self pity over your body- then don't."

Heejin was taken aback slightly by what he said, closing her eyes as he began washing her hair twice, making sure to clean it properly.

Great I'm ugly
I'm going to cry
He thinks I'm ugly
I think I'm ugly

"There's nothing wrong with it." He finished, walking away to retrieve the conditioner and she stayed silent.

"You're..." She began. "How do I put this..." She trailed off.

"I didn't expect you to be like so... respectful? I don't know, I feel like most would just make a few smug comments or...I don't know." She sighed, putting a hand on the wall to stabilise herself.

"I mean, you're hurt and you can't see... I wouldn't be joking around and taking advantage of the situation because I can only imagine what you're feeling." He began, letting the conditioner set in.

But as he waited, he looked away from her and to the wall again.
"Thank you,"
"For what?"
"Everything. I just, you're always saving me and I feel like-"
"Don't. Please don't put yourself down, it's hurtful for me to hear you know."

"That's not an answer but okay," she murmured.
Jeno sighed and shook his head even though she couldn't see.
"Not now, it's not the right time."

He had helped her out of the shower and to get dressed- now leading her out of the steamed up room.

He lead her over to the bed, sitting her down and grabbing the towel to stand in-between her legs- gently drying her hair.

"You're really nice." She blurted out and an amused smile pulled on his lips.
"Thank you."
She scoffed but her own smile appeared, for the first time.

"I really appreciate everything you've done for me, most wouldn't be so patient and I don't know," she reached forward- clutching her arms around his waist and her head falling on his abdomen.

She tightened her grip around him and Jeno looked down and ran his fingers through her partially damp hair.

"I'm doing it because I care about you, you really do mean a lot to me Rosa."

Jeno is a gentleman

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Jeno is a gentleman

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