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"You can't step down-""Fuck off

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"You can't step down-"
"Fuck off."

Heejin seethed, grabbing her crutches and gritted her teeth to stop the tears threatening to fall.

"You're not fucking leaving the gang Heejin! Are you stupid? You grew up here-"
"Exactly!" She screamed out, shocking everyone in the board room.

They gathered for a meeting, reluctantly deciding to merge forces on the given situation.
The girl hastily announced her departure from the gang which left everyone utterly speechless.

Donghyuck's eyes pierced into Jeno's with such rage and repulsion that all eyes averted to the table.

Yuta clenched his jaw, standing up as the girl began retreating out of the room.
"This is your Parent's mafia Heejin, are you-"
"My parents," she began, voice becoming thick with emotion as she turned around with tears glimmering in her eyes.

Weight pressed on her chest and heart squeezing detrimentally tight until she gasped to breathe and shaky breath.

"-are dead." She finished, the room falling deathly silent and a heavy shift of atmosphere made the girl want to throw up at the thought of this room being where her parents once sat.

Her eyes drifted to the wall where two pictures were placed of her parents, smiling with the authority of the mafia oozing from them.

Heejin glanced at Jeno, the intensity making him look up and the sheer destroyed and broken look in her eyes made his throat dry up.

"I really hope it was worth it Jeno. You got what you wanted- congrats." Bitter sarcasm dripping from her tongue as she tore her eyes away and opened the door.

"I'll come back for my stuff later."

The door slammed shut behind her, leaving the room silent with her departure.

Heejin sniffled as she walked through the grand, long stretched hallway.
The clicking of her crutches the only sound apart from her cries and frustration built up- throwing her crutches aside.

She stepped forward, only for her leg to give in and she crumbled to floor- dropping on her knees and palms, hair falling over her face as she hunched over as the salty tears of grief dripped to the ground.

Heejin's body shook, trembling as she broke down.
The clicking of shoes echoed through the hallway and Heejin sniffled.

"Go away Donghyuck." She spoke, trying to come out as strong and defiant but instead her voice trembled, almost in a whisper.
He picked up her crutches and came to a stop in front of her.

"I apologize for what I have caused Rosa."

Heejin's head snapped up, red and tear stained glass eyes looking up at him, cheeks flushed as she was crying and hair a bit messy.

She didn't know what she felt, anger? Sadness? Nothing?

Jeno looked down at her, holding her crutches but still didn't know what to say- finding it a new situation for him to be anything other than emotionless.

"Fuck off." She spat, fuelling with rage and the girl scrambled up, heavy breath and angry tears sparking.

He watched with no traces of emotion as she glowered up at him, torn with her own emotions.

"I hate you, I hate you so much-" she ranted out heavily, unable to contain herself but again stepped forward but stumbled.

Jeno's hands clasped over her upper arms to stop her from falling but she cried in protest, attempting to shake him off but she required no energy to do so- letting out a heart wrenching sob.

Something swirled inside of him and it compelled his eyes to soften and his hard clenched jaw to relax.

"I-i hate y-you!" She shoved at his chest but he barely moved, silent as she continued to shove and rapture her fists against his chest.

Jeno's larger, rougher hands encased over her fists to stop her from hitting him and instead pulling her arms around his back and her head fell again his broad chest.

Jeno's larger, rougher hands encased over her fists to stop her from hitting him and instead pulling her arms around his back and her head fell again his broad chest

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So so what's the thoughts what do you think will happen

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