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"Are we not going to talk about what happened?" Jeno asked, watching the girl intently as she grabbed his stuff to shove into the bag

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"Are we not going to talk about what happened?" Jeno asked, watching the girl intently as she grabbed his stuff to shove into the bag.

Heejin almost choked on her air, heat flaring up on her cheeks.
"What happened?" She asked obliviously, wanting to see his reaction as to how he really felt about it.

Was it just in the moment?

He didn't say anything, his gaze piercing into her frame and it felt like it was bubbling inside of him for too long.

"About us nearly kissing."

"Oh, wow you're so blunt." She mumbled, not thinking he would be so straightforward with it.

"You're good at dodging questions." He quipped, raising a brow at the fact she hadn't even looked him in the eye.

"Mm, yeah I am- Johnny should be here soon with the car." She informed, grabbing her phone and taking a seat in the chair while they wait for Jeno to be discharged.

His eyes never left her and soon she became aware of it- flickering her vision up to him and back down again.
Gulping, she looked back up- only this time he was trying to scope out a reaction.

"Why are you staring..." She trailed off awkwardly, standing up and putting her phone down, wanting to go ask the nurse if they had to wait longer.

His palm clasped over her wrist and she jolted in shock, glancing at him with her stomach churning with butterflies.

"I like you."

There was a pause; Heejin's face remained blank, it not registering in her head properly and taken aback by the sudden confession.

Jeno eyed her for a moment, his nerves kicking in and doubts appearing.
Her eyes flickered down to his before she blinked furiously- the redness spreading over her cheeks.

"...oh." she almost squeaked out, not knowing what to even say. "Y-yeah, that's...um-"
"I mean, not that I'm trying to force you to answer but some clarification would help Rosa."

"Clarification. Right yeah, yeah I got you- clarification..." She nodded, avoiding his eyes and for the first time becoming deadly awkward.

Jeno waited for her reply, becoming a little impatient as he felt his hopes giving up and he sighed.

Her ears burned red and it felt like she was going to embarrass herself if she opened her mouth.

"...If you don't feel the same it's okay but I'd rather you just say." He muttered, scratching his head awkwardly.

"N-no, I do...I like you too,"

"I'm just, I'm just a bit shocked and like now what happens because now we've both confessed and what if things escalate and then we start dating but we're rivals and it's history repeating again and we'll both die-"

"Okay," he cut her ranting off with a hand on her shoulder. "Just breathe." He said amused.

"It's not funny, why are you laughing!" She whined, pulling away from him but he tightened his grip and brought her into his arms.

"Nothing has to happen now if you don't want it to...we don't have to rush."
"You make yourself sound all cool." She mumbled and he chuckled.

"But I'm glad you like me back, I was shitting myself that you didn't and it would have been awkward."

Heejin pulled away from the hug and the uncontrollable smile grazed her lips as she looked down at him, ruffling his hair lovingly.

"I feel like some schoolgirl in love."
"Oh, you're in love?" He teased and she rolled her eyes, pushing him.
"Im kidding, I'm kidding-! Ow, okay I'm sorry!"

"Im kidding, I'm kidding-! Ow, okay I'm sorry!"

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What should happen now my children

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