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"Listen to me,"

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"Listen to me,"

"No! No! Someone help!" The 17 year old girl screamed, tears cascading down her face as the heat licked up the walls.

Heejin was distraught, falling apart at the seams as she looked into the eyes of her twin brother, Hyunsik.

Her screams were drowned out by the crackling of fire and she tried to pick up the piles of pillars on top of his body.

"Heejin-ah," he spoke, his voice soft and calm which juxtaposed her frantic and traumatized girl. "Hey Princess, listen to me-"

"No, no please I have to get you out!" She was crying, tears mixed in with the sweat that dripped down her face.

"I love you Heejin, remember that okay? I'm so proud of you."

Heejin's arms dropped, unable to pick up the heavy items that crushed her brother and she wailed her heart out.

The screams of a baby echoed through the air and Heejin couldn't get up, she couldn't. She felt sick, her heart squeezing detrimentally tight that she wanted to die with them right there.

"Save yourself Heejin." Hyunsik coughed out, holding the tears back with a forced smile, knowing he wouldn't make it.

"But I can't live without you." She whispered out, big glassy eyes looking at her brother.
His free, bloodied hand reached out shakily and cupped the side of her face, catching a fallen tear.

"You're still a baby huh? Look at you, always crying." His voice cracked, thick with emotions and Heejin cried harder, grasping his arm.

"Please don't leave me." She whispered. "Please don't leave me, I'm sorry for everything I've done, please I love you- I didn't mean what I said." Her head spun, dizzy and her chest was tight.

Hyunsik smiled and nodded at his sister with love.
"I know." He managed out, seeing how her eyes were drooping, lack of energy and the shock taking over her body.

His eyes drifted up to the figure carrying his Mother out of the burning fire, Hyunsik- coughed out as he knew both of his parents were saved.

He looked down at his sister who had lost all conscious, her head on his hand, tears still falling.

His fingers combed through her hair and he could see the fire coming nearer.
"I love you Heejin, be safe please. He'll watch over you and I know you'll have the Mafia beside you." He whispered out. "I'm always here."

He scrunched his face up in pain and the familiar figure entered the room through the danger of fire, walking closer.

"Save her." Hyunsik rasped out, eyes burning and legs loosing all feeling.
The male's eyes flickered between the two before he gulped and crouched down to pick up the unconscious girl.

"P-promise me one thing."

The male stopped half way to the exit, turning his head to look at the dying twin who shook in pain.

"Protect her for me,"

The male nodded, not able to look at Hyunsik any longer, turning around with dread filling him but leaving with the girl.

When they left, the tear fell down Hyunsik's face as he cried over his twin sister and he cried knowing he'd never see them again.

"Protect her with your life Lee Jeno."

And the building came down, breaking the bond the twins had forever.

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