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A small groan of pain left the girl's lips as she began to regain her consciousness, becoming aware of the cold hard surface that her cheek uncomfortably rested on

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A small groan of pain left the girl's lips as she began to regain her consciousness, becoming aware of the cold hard surface that her cheek uncomfortably rested on.

Her body ached, her head more. The waves of excruciating pain grasped onto her ever nerve and twisted them painfully.

Heejin's hands pulled upwards, only to be restrained by the clattering of spine shivering steel chains.

The sound awoke her fully, trying to grasp the awareness of where her body layed and so far she concluded she was in a cold room, dumped into the concrete floor and the pain pulsating in her body confirmed she had been beaten till she had fell unconscious.

Scared, utterly terrified.
What if she had suffered from a bigger head trauma? What if she wounds up blind forever?

However despite all of that, one thing remained stuck in her head.
Him, Lee Jeno.

She wished desperately that he'd save her life he always did but it sounded selfish of her.

Taking deep breaths, she focused on her hearing- trying to evaluate if anyone was in the room with her but she heard no signs of human life other than her- lifting her head with a gasp of pain.

Fists clenched, she managed to sit up- her palm jutting across the floor to find something- anything.

Her wrists burned, raw with the chains shackled around her and she became frustrated with the fact she was blind.

It continued for another half hour before she let out a small cry, dropping her movement and was left in the deathly cold silence.

Heejin rubbed at her eyes, believing her mind was playing tricks on itself when she saw the first glimmer of light.

Unknown to her, the screeching of tires skidded, the car manoeuvring through the unmoving traffic, driving straight through red lights and adrenaline pumping through his body- igniting with fire inside him as the knuckles gripping the tire turned white.

Jeno's eyes flickered across the road, swerving through upcoming cars and narrowly missing any dangers.
His mind was a prison, full of gut wrenching sins and tortures that he could accumulate- what he hoped wouldn't happen to her.

He couldn't think, couldn't breathe properly until he felt his hands shake to which he tightened his death grip, eyes attaching to the exit on the right- his foot stepping down harsher and the vehicle speeding up.

It felt like a race against time, ears ringing and heart blundering in his chest so fast he imagined himself edging into a cardiac arrest at this point.

Jeno's sight fell on the old, abandoned building and he was quick to get out of the car- running towards it but stopping.

Blocking the entrance was a crowd of masked men, all holding an array of weapons ranging from metal poles and bats to 7 inch blades.

Their eyes were daunting, amusing at the disadvantage he had compared to them.
For a second, no one moved and Jeno felt himself becoming overrun with rage.

His foot crunched the leaves beneath it when he took a step, initiating the fight that could cost his life.

But it would be worth it, it was all for her.

Charging at him, swinging the objects around and the boy dodged every hit, grabbing one by its arm and flipping him over but quickly making sure to kick another in the chest.

It was frantic, his senses going wild and he managed to grab the wooden bat that was inches away from hitting him- twisting it in the man's hand till he groaned in pain and elbowed him in the gut.
Swinging the man into another as they both collapsed.

The contact of the rock hard metal pole against his abdomen left Jeno winded, stumbling backwards at the blow and he was unable to suck in the breaths quick enough.

Another hit to his back, falling weak on his knees and coughing out with his fists in the dirt ground.

A hand clutched his black hair, forcefully pulling his head up, as soon as his eyes fell to the man, a fist came down to his face, followed by several others until the hot red crimson substance trailed down his face.

Jeno's back hit the floor, pain spreading like wildfire and he coughed out the taste of metallic blood, hand sliding over the ground until he felt the sharp edge of the blade.

The man hovered over him, straddling Jeno's waist as he sent punch after punch until Jeno's hand thrusted upwards, the blade piercing into his face- a howl of pain followed and the bleeding body was pushed off of him.

Jeno, battered and bruised stood up with blood dripping down his face, shirt stained red and dirty- grasping the blade in his hand as he looked at the men advancing on him.

Jeno, battered and bruised stood up with blood dripping down his face, shirt stained red and dirty- grasping the blade in his hand as he looked at the men advancing on him

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