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It was around 2pm in the afternoon, the girl layed dead asleep in her bed- intertwined in the comfort of her duvet with her hair strewn across her face with small breaths of air accompanied by the rise and fall of her chest

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It was around 2pm in the afternoon, the girl layed dead asleep in her bed- intertwined in the comfort of her duvet with her hair strewn across her face with small breaths of air accompanied by the rise and fall of her chest.

The sound of her door clicking shut went unknown to her and his eyes landed on the girl who was still asleep, a heavy sigh falling from his lips.

The room was darkened but the streams of lights that attempted to break the surface allowed in partial light.

Jeno stepped closer to her bed, noticing her uncomfortable position and with his good hand, he placed her head on the pillow and brushed the hair out of her face.

Heejin flinched in her sleep at the feeling of his warmth against her face, finding refuge in cuddling closer to her duvet.

An unknown smile stretched at his lips and his eyes flickered over to the curtain- wordlessly pulling them open and almost immediately a small groan fell from her lips- a whine of protest.

"Shut it," she mumbled out sleepily, not even knowing who was in her room.
"It's 2 in the afternoon Rosa."
She hummed something incoherent and he found himself seated on the edge of her bed as she remained in a slumber.

"You should get up now." He said softly, drawing the piece of hair out of her eyes and she scrunched her nose up at the tickling sensation.

"But I went to bed at 6." She mumbled, protesting against the fact she had to get up. Jeno furrowed his eyes at the fact she had slept so late at night- well in the morning.

"Why did you go to bed so late baby?"

The way he said it was so casual, languidly rolling off his tongue but it sent waves of butterflies swarming inside her and she pulled the covers over her head to hide the affect he had.

"Let me sleep." She whined, kicking him through under her covers- the darkness cocooning her whole and he patted her arm over the duvet.
"Come on, it's time to get up."
"No." She grumbled stubbornly and Jeno chuckled deeply, the vibrations sending chills up her spine.

"I thought you were working." She said with a yawn, still muffled by the fact she was hidden.
"I did, I finshed early so I could come see you but here you are sleeping."

"Come back at midnight, I'll be awake then." She half joked and Jeno sighed, pulling the covers off her head- revealing her sleepy state as she looked at him.

"Don't you want to go do something?"
"Does it consist of me be able to continue to sleep?" She asked cheekily and he deadpanned, staring at her blankly which made her give in.

"Fine! But come here." She said, reaching out to him with a mischievous smile and he joking rolled his eyes yet inched closer to her and she took the leverage to pull him down besides her.

"Oh no, looks like we'll just have to stay here and sleep all day."
"Heejin," he groaned out, yet she didn't really care- only shifting around till her head rested on his arm and her own lazily thrown over his abdomen.


He scoffed in disbelief and threw his head back- hitting the soft pillow under him and then he sighed, letting his good hand wrap around her and she cuddled closer.

Usually he would be adamant for her to get up and spend time with him outside yet now being 'together' for around 4 weeks had him allowing the indulge in the nice company whilst cuddling.

It was never explicitly said that they were dating yet they didn't need to outrightly clarify it as they were exclusively together- thus falling into the relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Nothing really went further than a few kisses here and there yet she was a big advocate for cuddling.

He noticed how her breaths became deeper, slower and he smiled down at her lovingly before pressing a kiss to her forhead and giving into the urge to also drift asleep.

He noticed how her breaths became deeper, slower and he smiled down at her lovingly before pressing a kiss to her forhead and giving into the urge to also drift asleep

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