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Your silent sadness, it shakes me
In my quiet sea, waves would sometimes rise

Your silent sadness, it shakes meIn my quiet sea, waves would sometimes rise

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There was a knock on the door to Jeno's office and the leader looked up.
"Come in."

The door opened revealing a sheepish Chenle who scratched the back of his head.
"Uh..." He began and Jeno watched without a word.

"Can I..." Chenle trailed off, biting the inside of his cheek.
"What is it Chenle?" Jeno asked, exhausted.

The younger boy frowned in sympathy before shaking his head.
"Nothing," Chenle began walking towards the door.

"What did you want to say?" Jeno asked and Chenle sighed.
"Can I hang out with Jisung?"

The leaders eyebrows furrowed down in confusion before it dawned on him.
"From the midnight thorns?"

Chenle nodded, gulping down the nervousness and played with the ragged skin on his fingers from where he bites around his nails.

Jeno's eyes fell to his hands before he sighed.
"Be back by midnight."
"Wait, really!" Chenle's face lit up and Jeno nodded curtly.

"Holy shit! Thank you!"
"Mind your language Chenle and close the door on your way out."

Chenle nodded eagerly and left, the leader stood up from his seat- stretching his muscles out and putting the folder away before grabbing the new pile of papers.

He was extremely driven and hard working, often misunderstood for a cruel leader but he wasn't.

He wasn't like his Father.

There was a knock at Jeno's office door and the boy sighed, fingers weaved in his hair and elbow on desk as he worked on the paper.

"Come in." He spoke, not looking up- immersed in what he worked so diligently on.

He heard the door opening and closing, the sound of feet pattering closer, hesitantly.


At the sound of her voice, his head snapped up in surprise, confused as to why she was here.

She noticed his expression and held up the papers.
"Yuta sent me to bring these."
Jeno eyed the papers before standing up, walking around his desk to the girl he basically loomed over.

Jeno took the papers from her hand and scanned through them quickly and Heejin's eyes trailed over his office.

Everything was perfect, everything had its place except from his messy desk and the room was dark as if he forgot to put the light on, too immersed in his work to even notice the time had flown by.

"Have you eaten today?"

"I'll eat later." He brushed it off and began walking to his desk.
"Huh?" Heejin took herself over towards him like a lost puppy at his vague answer.

"Why do you work so much?" Tilting her head in curiousity and trailing her fingers over to stacks of paper.

"I'm the leader."
"Yeah but still..."
Jeno glanced up at the girl who gazed around the room with a bored expression.

"You can go home, I'll send the papers back later."
Heejin ignored him, flickering on the lights and drawing the curtains, after being in awe of the view.

He watched her closely, the way her long wavy, silky hair moved as her body did and her hands were always balled up in a little fist subconsciously.

"Do you read a lot?" Heejin asked, humming at the books on the shelf and Jeno uttered out a simple yes.

"You know... someone's office says a lot about them but for some reason Jeno I really don't know what kind of person you are yet."

The boy let out a sigh, leaning away from his work and at the girl who's eyes drank in the array of awards on the wall and the  few pictures.

Jeno's eyes widened and for the first time he acted rashly, striding over to her and snatching the picture frame out of her hand.

Jeno's eyes widened and for the first time he acted rashly, striding over to her and snatching the picture frame out of her hand

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