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Heejin felt sick, detrimentally sick to her stomach that she couldn't even fathom the thought of her twin brother laying there in the same room as her

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Heejin felt sick, detrimentally sick to her stomach that she couldn't even fathom the thought of her twin brother laying there in the same room as her.

"No..." She whispered out. "B-but you're dead." She stepped back terrified, stumbling over her own feet and falling into Jeno who lurched forward at the right time- equally shocked.

"N-no, you d-died...you cant- you can't be..." She breathed out, beggining to hyperventilate, eyes dotting black and unable to catch her breaths quick enough.

"Tell me it isn't him, it's not him, am I going insane?" She pleaded to Jeno with her fists clenching his shirt and eyes filling with tears.

Jeno looked down at her, unable to bring himself to say the words as the boy he watched die layed there.

"It can't be." She whispered out almost in a whimper, scrunching up his shirt in her fists and closing her eyes with her forhead against his chest.

The painful memories twisted in her mind, flashing behind her eyes and the way she felt was something that couldn't be described.

"I'm going to faint." She muttered out in a warning, feeling light-headed and overcome with shock that her body trembled.

Jeno's arms fell around her to keep her secure within his arms.
"What? Rosa, hey look at me." He coaxed out in a worry, trying to get her to look up but she could barely hear him.

Her screams were drowned out by the crackling of fire and she tried to pick up the piles of pillars on top of his body.

"Heejin-ah," he spoke, his voice soft and calm which juxtaposed her frantic and traumatized girl. "Hey Princess, listen to me-"

"No, no please I have to get you out!" She was crying, tears mixed in with the sweat that dripped down her face.

"I love you Heejin, remember that okay? I'm so proud of you."
Heejin's arms dropped, unable to pick up the heavy items that crushed her brother and she wailed her heart out.

She felt sick, her heart squeezing detrimentally tight that she wanted to die with them right there.

"Save yourself Heejin." Hyunsik coughed out, holding the tears back with a forced smile, knowing he wouldn't make it.

"But I can't live without you." She whispered out, big glassy eyes looking at her brother.
His free, bloodied hand reached out shakily and cupped the side of her face, catching a fallen tear.

"You're still a baby huh? Look at you, always crying." His voice cracked, thick with emotions and Heejin cried harder, grasping his arm.

"Please don't leave me." She whispered. "Please don't leave me, I'm sorry for everything I've done, please I love you- I didn't mean what I said." Her head spun, dizzy and her chest was tight.

A lone cry wracked through her body, tears soaking the material of his shirt and it brought him out of his frantic worry, heart sinking at the spine shivering cry she let out.

Eyes closed shut in hopes of what she saw wasn't true, her hands shaking and legs threatening to give in.

Jeno gulped down the dryness in his throat, pulling his eyes away from Hyunsik and lifted his girlfriend up in ease with her legs locking around his waist and shaky breaths hitting his neck- whispering only the sweetest comforts to her as they wheeled the boy out.

Jeno gulped down the dryness in his throat, pulling his eyes away from Hyunsik and lifted his girlfriend up in ease with her legs locking around his waist and shaky breaths hitting his neck- whispering only the sweetest comforts to her as they whe...

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Yeah idek either tbh

Also the book is coming to an end so like what you wanna see

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