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"Boss, he's here

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"Boss, he's here."

Heejin's head snapped up at the sound of the hushed, urgent voice.
She felt sick, the pains in her head getting stronger and stronger, leaning against the wall now with the presence of her kidnapper.

She had been frantically blinking at the sight of blurred light yet she didn't want to get her hopes up- letting her fuzzy vision rake over the room- seeing different intensity of lights and then looking above her head- the on the wall was definitely a window.

She could tell by the way it was bright enough to light the room up and then she heard the scraping of a chair.

Her head turned towards the noise, seeing the dark silhouette block out the light, the areas around him staying pretty bright- bringing the attention that he was now stood up.

He was quite tall, his build not the greatest but he definitely had the upper hand. By his voice and the stature of his frame, it showed her he was a lot older.

She strained her eyes, forcing herself to see clearer but the sharp pain in the back of her head made her flutter her eyes shut as she gave in.

"Kill him."

Heejin felt frustrated, a part of her knowing it was Jeno but the man...she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Who are you?" She demanded, focusing her hearing to pick out his voice, sounding oddly familiar.

The deep chuckle cut through the air and the steps tauntingly got closer till he crouched in front of her- his hand harshly pulling her head back by her hair.

It emitted a whimper of excruciating pain, willing her eyes open, her blurry vision outlining the grey hair and beard, his eyes narrowed and lips snarled but the overall picture remained blurry.

"You've grown a lot Heejin, I almost didn't recognize you with your pigtails and irritating whines- you look like your Mother."

Heejin's eyes narrowed at him, the sudden rage taking over her at the sound of Mother, heavy breathing as she got closer to him, venom on her tongue.

"I'll fucking kill you." She spat lowly, trying to lunge forward but the chains refrained her from doing so.

He laughed, the menacing mad laugh bouncing off the walls yet she stayed angry, hearing the clattering of keys in his pocket as he moved closer.

"Oh my dear, you're a blind weak girl- what will you do?"

She stayed quiet at his taunting voice- accumulating a plan in her mind.
Heejin moved her legs slightly, calculating how far she could stretch them out.

"You're right." She whispered, tone falling into the weak vulnerable tone. "I can't possibly hurt you...I'm just a weak blind girl."

He nodded, smiling as he patted her head.
"I'm glad you understand."

"It's even sadder that," she began, roughly seeing him turn his attention towards her, hand retreating to the ground between them.

Heejin tilted her head back with a sigh, gaining his attention as it looked like she was finally breaking down.
Myunho furrowed his brows at her lack of words, waiting for her to say something but was launched into shock when her head hit against his own, the crunching sound of his nose mixing in with his cry of pain.

The sound of keys clattering to the ground as he fell backwards in pain made Heejin stick her foot put blindly, grazing against the metal and she hurriedly brought it towards her and frantically attempted to unlock herself.

He almost growled out, crawling towards her with blood splattered against the ground- hand grabbing her ankle.

She desperately shook him off as best she could as she heard the clicking of the lock, freeing her hands and immediately lunging for him yet her feet remained chained.

Heejin grabbed his head, tugging back on his head and ramming his face into the ground, panting through her adrenaline and quickly unlocked the chains to her feet- standing up disoriented.

Her body swayed, unable to keep herself steady and she was promptly tackled to the ground, a yelp of pain escaping her lips- feeling winded.

Her knee retracted up, hitting him harshly between his legs before managing to elbow his neck- rolling off her.

She gasped out, scrambling up to her feet and walking blindly to the opposite side of the room to create distance, bumping into everything.

Hand on the wall to guide her, immense pain shooting through her head. Gritted teeth and clenched fists.

Her ears were ringing and the taste of metallic blood invaded her mouth, pain surging through her body and gut twisted nauseously.

The girl frantically blinked away the black dots covering her vision, taking deep breaths as she heard the pained groans from the other side of the room.

Against the wall, she stood- focusing her mind to calm her senses down and block out the agonizing pain.

Her eyes adjusted, still blurry but it was majorly better than beforeh- able now go work her away around the room and the body attempting to get up.

"You're fucking dead!" He screamed out, running at full speed towards her. Her breath hitched, moving off the wall but feeling overwhelming dizzy.

Stumbling back, her heel hit the metal rod discarded on the ground- panicking when she picked it up and swung it towards him.

All movement ceasing and his body hitting the ground, she exhaled harshly, shaky breaths when she gripped tighter onto it and legs wobbling unstably when she made her way to the door.

The sounds of grunts and clattering of metal sounded through the air, navigating herself out of the room till she found the front door of the building.

Leaning against the wall besides it and blinking at the best she could to adjust her fuzzy vision.

Her sight landed on the kitchen opposite the door, gasping and rushing towards it, her bloodied hand turning on the tap and clean water sprayed out, washing the dirt out of her eyes in attempts to clean her vision.

She panted, water dripping down her face and she wiped it away with her sleeve and opening her eyes, only her now clear vision landed on a man standing a few metres away.

She panted, water dripping down her face and she wiped it away with her sleeve and opening her eyes, only her now clear vision landed on a man standing a few metres away

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Homegirl got her vision back

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