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Three years later

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Three years later

"Okay, how do you feel?" Jaemin inquired to lighten the mood and Jeno gave a small smile that was covered with his jittery nerves.

He was wearing a suit that fit him like a glove and his hair styled to perfection with his sweaty hands wiping down on his blazer.

"I'm nervous but I'm happy." He spoke, fidgeting with his hands. "Do I look okay?" He asked and Jaemin turned towards him, eyes raking over him with a nod.

"Uncle Jennie!" Miri yelled out from the seat at the front row, waving frantically at her uncle. She was now turning eight and was growing up with everyday that came.

Next to her was her 3 year old brother Jungmin who bounced on Yena's lap happily. Yena herself was talking to her own Husband next to her, Jaehyun had his hand on her knee as he smiled loving at his two kids.

Jeno sent his niece a smile, heart warming and letting his eyes fall over the audience.
Everyone was there, Donghyuck and Renjun standing out bickering as usual yet he wouldn't have it any other way.

The sounds of chattering was drowned out by the music that entered, ringing through the halls and it sent waves of nerves through Jeno, handing shaking as the grand doors opened.

Jeno glanced nervously to see Heejin in a stunning white dress, the trail following her gracefully as she walked slowly down the isle- arm linked through her brothers for stability.

"I'm so nervous." She muttered out, feeling everyone's eyes on her and when she finally looked up, she saw Jeno standing there with his eyes glimmering with heartfelt tears of happiness.

She felt choked up at the sight of him, tightening her grip on Hyunsik as her own tears sprung.

The flowers in her hair layed effortlessly and the dress accentuated her figure perfectly as she walked down the isle.

"Wow, she looks beautiful." Jeno whispered out shakily, infatuated by her ethereality.

When she reached the alter, Hyunsik gave her over to Jeno, her shaky hands falling into Jeno's as they stood facing each other, gazing at each other lovingly.

Finally the moment came, the one everyone was waiting for and her heart pounded in her chest.

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss the Bride."

Heejin almost let out a cry of joy and happiness but nothing could match the feeling at all.

His palm rested at the side of her hair, careful not to ruin her breathtaking makeup and leaned in, joining their lips for the first time as a married couple.

The audience was equally as happy, bursting out into happy yells and claps as the couple pulled away, forhead's touching and she sniffled, eyes sparking with love that mirrored Jeno's.

"I love you Hyeonie."
"I love you Rosa."

◆ The End ◆

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◆ The End ◆

Hold me while I cry

I really can't believe I've actually finished this book and it's been a whole ass rollercoaster but I'm glad this is my first completed Jeno book

I hope you have all enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed writing it despite the little bumps I have had with it, from wanting to delete it and not updating it for ages till now

I can't explain how grateful I am towards you all and of course there will be more books in the future

My writing has really grown through this book I believe and it will continue to, so thank you for allowing me to express my love for writing

I love you 🖤

◆ That's a wrap on Insatiable ◆

Insatiable ◆ Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now