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"I was angry and hurt

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"I was angry and hurt...I was ready go and confront him face to face but it isn't my place to do anything." She breathed out, finally glancing up at Jeno.

His eyes were full of hurt, anger and frustration- guilt overriding it all and he let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry." He whispered and the tone of sadness coaxed in his voice made Heejin's heart pull. "I'm sorry for everything, I'm so fucking sorry Rosa you didn't deserve everything he did to you and it makes me sick to think he's my own Father."

His fists clenched painfully, angry tears sparked at his eyes and he harshly wiped them away. Heejin's soft eyes looked at him sympathetically- frown pulling at her lips and her hand rested on his broad back.

"It's not your fault Hyeonie, it isn't."
"But he killed your family, he tried to kill you and it isn't fucking fair." His bottom lip trembled as he tried to keep his emotions at bay.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." He gritted out angrily, his palms digging into his watery eyes.

"Ji-hyeon..." She trailed off with her own throat closing up and heart painfully clenching.

The sound of his shallow breaths and small sniffling make her heart breath- wrapping her small arms around him and guiding his head to her chest as she held him.

"It isn't your fault." She whispered, biting her lip as he let out a small cry, the past 20 years of his life- the abusive past he had- it all began to resurface out of his tears.

Her hand on his back and the other one almost cradling his head to her as the warm salty tears spilled down his face- unable to keep a strong head as he broke down.

"It's okay love, I'm here." She murmured against his head, his dark messy hair tickling against her skin.

The door to the Silver Bullets house clicked shut and Heejin's eyes drank in the interior of the luxurious house.

"Oh Heejin? Hi!" Chenle exclaimed out, rushing over. "Where's Jisung?" He asked almost disappointed then his eyes fell to Jeno.

"... were you cry-"
"You can go meet up with Jisung if you want." She interrupted quickly, slipping her fingers through Jeno's as he rubbed at his eyes to hide the fact he cried.

Chenle was out of the door as soon as she said so, leaving the two in the large hallway with the two grand staircases in front of them.

"Where's your room? I'm dying to see your book collection." She said sarcastically to lighten the mood and a small scoff of a laugh escaped his lips- shaking his head as he tiredly began walking up the steps with her small hand in his.

"Why is it so quiet?" She asked curiously and Jeno shrugged.
"Everyone is always out."

They reached his room, pushing open the door to be sighted with a pretty large simple room. The walls were painted a shade of light grey and the furniture white.

The grand black bookcase stood out with the masses of books and a few picture frames hung up on the wall.

Everything was perfectly organised and in the middle a large bed was situated, two bedside tables on each side.

"Wow..." She trailed off, not even realising Jeno was already putting his coat into his wardrobe. "Okay I knew you were rich but like..."

A genuine laugh fell from his lips and he sighed afterwards, still tried from his tears and his frame stood behind her- wrapping his arms around her waist and his head nuzzling into her neck.

His nose brushed against her warm skin and she placed her hands over his arms, feeling his hair tickle her skin and a small delicate kiss placed on her neck.

"Thank you," he murmured. "For everything."

"Shut up you dummy, what kind of girlfriend would I be if wasn't there for you?" She retorted and turned around in his arms- linking her own around his neck, gazing up at him adoringly with a smile on her lips.

"You really are something Jeno."
"So you finally call me by my name huh?"
"Shut up, you'll always be Hyeonie to me." She joked and he smiled which displayed his famous eyesmile.

"I'm glad I have you." He spoke seriously, his hand on the curve of her waist and she broke out into a grin.
"I'm glad I have you too, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Probably something stupid." He joked as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers softly but the message of happiness still relayed through it.

She was leaning up on her tiptoes due to the height difference and he held her up against his body for stability as they fell into a slower loving pace.

Her hands tightened behind his head and reattached their lips that moved in blissful sync, molding together like it was made for the two of them.

Experimentally, yet slightly hesitantly swiping her bottom lip with his tongue and from there the more passionate, heavy session began.

Their lungs burned for air yet each time they broke apart to reattach their lips, it was even more fast paced and exhilarating, her fingers lightly tugged through the softness of his hair.

Their hearts soared, beating expeditiously and Heejin was convinced he could hear the pounding of her pulse and the blood rushing around her ears.

His hand reached up to cup her cheek, deepening their exchange through the intoxicating movements of their lips..

The pumping blood through her veins drowned out any other background noise and her cheeks heated up.

She sighed contently, legs feeling shaky and her balance unstable with the hazy exhilaration coursing through her and she moved even closer to him for stability and a small groan fell from his lips at the accidental forceful tug at his hair.

The heated session came to an end as they both pulled away for oxygen with wide smiles, unruly hearts with swollen lips and reddened cheeks.

The heated session came to an end as they both pulled away for oxygen with wide smiles, unruly hearts with swollen lips and reddened cheeks

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You guys were grilling me for a makeout scene so like yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️

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