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He quietly gasped for air, swallowing down the raw dryness in his throat which resulted in him expelling air out of his lungs through his violent coughs

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He quietly gasped for air, swallowing down the raw dryness in his throat which resulted in him expelling air out of his lungs through his violent coughs.

Jeno tried to suppress it, not wanting to wake her up and he layed back on the bed, his back beggining to feel stiff on the hospital bed.

Painfully, he sat up whilst emitting groans of pain and clamping his mouth shut as his feet hit the ground- the coldness shooting up his body.

His eyes landed on his right arm that was constricted in a cast, sighing harshly.

Jeno winced, pulling off the wires from his body and he looked down at his body,  nothing seemed to be too noticeable but as he stood up his legs nearly gave in- tightly clutching the bedframe to stabilise him.

He gulped, blinking the pain out of his eyes and standing up wobbly on his two feet, agonising pain shooting up his leg as he took a step- propelling himself forward as he began to fall.

His left hand caught onto the armrest of the chair she slept at, breath hitching as his face hovered inches away from hers.

Almost entranced, unable to breathe properly and his eyes widening- her soft features burning into his eyes the more he looked at her and soon he pulled himself away with his reddened cheeks and unruly heart rate

Limping, Jeno walked out of the room with his body aching and protesting but he slid the door shut behind him afterwards, leaving the sleeping girl unknown to his awakening.

Daylight streamed in harshly, illuminating onto her skin and the intensity making her cower away, pushing her head under the blanket with a groan of protest.

Heejin began to fall into a deeper sleep, the sound she had become accustomed to was no more- his heart monitor.

He wasn't dead was he-

Heejin shot up, blurred vision to which she rubbed frantically at and her eyes landed on the empty bed.

Her heart dropped, exhaling a sharp breath and panic set in her- rushing around her nerves and her head turned in all directions- no sign of him at all.

"Jeno..." She breathed out, utterly confused but mostly worried- deathly worried.

The girl ran out of the room in a hurry- the white walls all looking the same and her slippers colliding against the ground as her breaths became shallow- hair hitting her face as she turned several corners.

Adrenaline pumping through her veins and droning at her heartbeat that increased substantially.

It seemed as though she was running for hours on end, tears lining her eyes as she couldn't find him and the emptiness inside her grew.

"Oh my god." She whispered shakily, biting her lip as she didn't want to begin losing hope- turning the corner yet going crashing straight into a body.

She gasped audibly, the feeling of an arm around her to assist her stability and she didn't give it much thought, looking up.

Almost like it was fate, Jeno stood in front of her with his eyes falling down to her face- eyes inching open wider.

"What are-"
"Oh my god," she breathed out, almost squeaking it out in relief as she pushed herself closer to him- clutching onto him with teary eyes and she could hear her heartbeat pounding in her ear.

"Rosa, why are you..." He trailed off confused and soon she lifted her head and his own eyes fell to her glassy ones.

The way her gaze connected with his straight away sent a shock through his body and he was left speechless in confusion.

She had a smile on her face despite the threatening tears and her small palm fell onto his cheek.

"You're okay, you're awake." She said with her voice wavering, almost like she was verging on breaking down.

"Heejin..." He trailed off, eyes widening. "You-"
"I can see."

For a second he wasn't sure he heard correctly, his expression not changing as it all became blurred in his mind but as soon as it fell into place he gasped- eyes falling to her own.

"What- what, you can see?"
Heejin nodded frantically, sniffling.
"Forget that, you're awake! That's what's important-"
Jeno shook his head- his large hand clasping on her cheek as he peered into her eyes in awe and surprise.
"You got your vision back, holy shit." His lips pulled up into a genuine smile- relieved that she was better.

"When did it happen, how are you feeling? Did you get it checked out? You shouldn't be straining your eyes- why are you crying?" He panicked suddenly as he noticed the over spill of tears.

Jeno's eyes widened, tilting her head up with his good hand and his eyes flickering between hers in worry.
"Are you hurt, what happened? Why are you crying?" His thumb brushed away the tears that fell down her cheeks and soon she let out a small whimper- pushing her head into his chest.

"I missed you Hyeonie."

Aww we love Nohee-

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Aww we love Nohee-

Idek their ship name smh man

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