Chapter 9: Force

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Finn's POV:

'Your no Jedi'. Rey's words have been replaying in my mind for a while now. It has been two days since the mess hall incident and everyday me and Poe would go to the waiting room in the infirmary in hopes we can see Rey. On day three a nurse finds me, Poe and BB-8 sit in the corner of the waiting room, saying that Rey is asking for us. The nurse walks us to her room and Poe rushes over towards her to give her a big hug which she gladly returns but I stay in the doorway not really sure where Rey and I stand at the moment. "How are you hanging in there?" Poe asks. "I am good, the doctor just says I need to take better care of myself more." BB-8 beeps at her causing her to smile. "I know bubby." Rey finally looks over at me. "Poe, could you do me a favor and go grab my books, I would like to have something to keep me busy while I'm stuck here," Rey asks with a small smile on her face. Without hesitation, Poe heads out to get her books and she looks back at me.

"Finn, I'm sorry for what I said, I know my words hurt you." I walk over to her bedside, I don't know if I can forgive her yet but seeing her in this room, hooked up to all those machines and IV bags I can't help but pity her. Ray opens her arms for a hug and I hug her, I pull back and look down at her. "Rey there's something I have to tell you" I start. "Of course you were trying to tell me even before my fight with Palpatine. I completely forgot," Rey says in a sorry filled tone. "It's okay I just wanted to tell you, I ... I am pretty sure I'm force sensitive."

Rey's POV:

"That is exciting news, Finn! We can start your training as soon as I am up for it if you like." I say. I'm so excited for him. I will no longer be one of the few left who can use the force, plus I will have a padawan of my own. "When can we start?" He asks. "To be honest with you, I'm going to stay away from the heavy training for a few months, but we can start on some basic things like meditation. It's just because the doctors want me to take it easy for a while." I explain to him. I don't want him or anyone to know that I'm pregnant not until I can actually see Ben and tell him first. I'm guessing Ben might already know about the baby with him always being with me like he told me, but it doesn't feel right to tell anyone else until I actually see Ben and tell him for myself. After a bit of small talk, Finn leaves and Poe comes back with my books, he wishes me a speedy recovery.

I start searching the sacred Jedi text for any clues on how to help Ben. I really don't want to have this child without him. I'm going to do everything I can to bring him home. I want him here, I need him here, for me and the child.

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