Chapter 61: Not Again

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Rey's POV:

When Ben left the room I began to cry. 'Why can't I seem to pull myself together enough to be there for him?' I continue to cry as I fall back to sleep. After a long while I hear the door open again, I open my eyes to see Ben come in accompanied by Poe, Finn, and a few members of a medical team. Ben kisses my forehead then grabs my hand. One nurse holds one of the medical holo pads up to me, she starts reading the results to herself then stops. "We need to get her on the ship now!" she exclaims as everyone starts rushing around me. The medical team pulls me away from Ben and I can see the fear in his eyes. I hear Ben's screams in the background as Poe and Finn hold him back at the nurse's and doctor's request. They rush me out to the medical frigate or run the whole way leaving Ben behind. "I want Ben," I mumble. The sound of my voice surprised me after not talking for over a month. "No, we will grab him later. We need him out of the way right now." The nurse explains. I start to panic as I wonder what the force is going on.

Ben's POV:

I was pissed that no one was explaining anything to me. I tried to rush after my wife but Finn and Poe held me back. "Look if they are rushing her off like that you know it's not a good thing. You also know they won't let you see her or explain what's going on until they get her stable." Finn explains and I know he's right. "Plus we have another issue to deal with," Poe starts and this spikes my interest. "Our molls are telling us that there is a chance that the remnants of the Final Order are planning on kidnapping your child." Finn continues This makes my heart stop.'' Not again! I can't let this happen again!' "Do not mention anything to Rey about this. At least not until we can get more details about it." I explain and they agree. With that, we leave the room and attempt to see Rey.

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