Chapter 70: What's A Vision

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(Written By: Mycupofteaplease Edited By: Suziemenro)

The triplets sat quietly on their beds thinking about what the force had shown them last night, they wanted nothing to do with the force if what they saw was to come true. The room began to glow a bright blue. "Where are my grandkids?'' Anakin asked. He had always been their favorite dead relative, he always told them stories of his avengers and played more roughly with them, he would even sneak in the occasional sweet, against both Rey's and Ben's wishes. "GRANDPA!" The triplets yelled and ran to hug his legs, Anakin bent down to hug the children. They all sit down on the small meditation rug in the middle of the room. "So your Mom and Dad tell me you three had a bad dream last night, care to tell me what it was about?" Anakin asked. All three children looked away from him, none of them wanted to relive what they saw. Lucas was the first to speak. "We don't think it was a dream Grandpa, Uncle Luke said they were force visions. What are force visions Grandpa?" Anakin smiled at the boy, he would have to ask his son what their force visions were about later. "It's when force is trying to tell you something and when it does you need to listen to it." "We have to watch mommy and daddy die!" Ani asks, tears forming in her eyes. Anakin was taken aback. "What no, somti..." "It wants us to fight each other?" Hanz said as he started to cry, Lucas was crying himself. "I DON'T WANT MOM AND DAD TO DEAD!" Lucas yelled, as Ani went over to her brother and hugged him. Anakin looked at the three crying children not knowing what to do. 'Padme would know what to do,' Anakin thought as he tried not to panic and to think what to say next when he remembered what Obi-Wan did when he was like this in his younger years. He stood them all up in a hug. "Shhhh," He said, letting them cry it out. When they all cried out he didn't let go of them. "It's going to be ok, no one is going to die." Anakin released them. "Sometimes the force works in ways we don't understand, it could be the future or a warning." "So none of that is going to happen?" Lucas asked. Anakin looked at his great-grandchildren in their puffy red eyes. He didn't want to lie to them, lying could lead to distrust and hate and which could lead to the Darkside. He smiled and said in a sweet voice. "No one knows what the force wants, not the Jedi, the Gray Jadi, the Dark Jadi, or the Sith, the force has a will of its own. When my old Master found me on my home planet of Tatooine I was terrified of the force, that something bigger than myself had its own will. But you know what I did?" Anakin leans back with a cocky smile "What!?" Hanz asked. "I put on a brave face and asked a lot of annoying questions. It's ok to be scared, that way your parents want to train you on both sides of the force so you can understand what it wants better," The triplets nodded their heads in understanding. "Now with that said and done," Anakin said as he gave his grandkids cookies he secretly stole from the kitchen when he was talking to Ben and Rey. "Your Mom and Dad don't want me filling your head with my lavish stories but do you want to hear about the time I won my first and only pod race." "YES!" They screamed in excitement and scooted closer to their great-grandfather.

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