Chapter 15: Back

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Ben's POV:

I sat there on the cold dark floor under what was supposed to be my coffin with my legs up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. After I got myself to stop crying, I turned towards the two children, who had been patiently waiting for my answer. "I would like to return. Please," I say as calmly as I can muster. The children shake their heads.

"We will send you back but I must warn you. You will end up on the same planet as your lightsaber because your soul is tied to it." They explain in unison. "My lightsaber is a dark one but I am no longer on the dark side," I explain as if that changes anything. "Or the light." The one in black says with a sad small. "Just as you have been healed here. The force has healed and modified your lightsaber as well. If you chose to pick it up again it will not be a burden of dark persuasion, but a reminder of your journey up to now." The one in white says. After the explanations are done they hand me a new set of clothes. "What are these for? I don't need them?" As the words spill out of my mouth. The one dressed in white opens the grey box. "They are not for this you, they are for your body. We didn't think you would want to go back to Rey naked." The one in black says as the one in white giggles. "When you fade into this realm your clothes are left behind." The one in white explains. I feel stupid as I recall how I watched Rey gather my clothes after I was gone and putting them into a satchel. The memory of my old clothes that are full of holes, especially my sweater, makes me laugh as I recall how Rey would call this sweater my good boy sweater. I quickly put the clothes on my body, which is revealed to be in the casket with some struggle then stepped back. The clothes are grey and white with tiny hints of sand gold here and there.

"Good, now let's begin!" They announce with a small smile. I look around, and our surroundings have changed. We are now on the planet Yavin, where the first Death Star crashed down and where my last lightsaber battle with Rey was. We're in the emperor's throne room and in the right-hand corner room is my soon to be resurrected body. "Lay down on your body and push in." They say in unison.

I get up and walk over to my body, I place myself in my body and push on to myself. It feels really awkward to do this to myself but the moment my forehead touches my body's forehead there's a jolt. The next thing I know I am laying on the metal ground in the cold rain, I breathe in the salty air stinging my nose and I hear the angry waves crashing all around. "I am back!" I say with my shaking voice. I stand up and see that my lightsaber has already been attached to my belt, I pull it in front of me. The hilt is the same basic shape and weight but it is now smooth with no more exposed wires. It is now a golden sand color with silver accents to it. I turn the lightsaber on to reveal that the blade is now white, a sign that a corrupted kyber crystal inside has been purified. I turn it off and place it back on my belt loop and work on finding a place where I can shelter myself for the time being. The last thing I need to do is come down with a cold before I can come up with a plan to get back to Rey.

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