Chapter 27: Dark and Light

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Ben's POV:

I feel the Falcon land causing me to wake up. As I sit up, I see Rey standing in the doorway with her lightsaber in her hand. "Rey. Is everything ok, you seem on edge?" I ask her as I get up and walk over to her side sensing that something is wrong. "I need to go do something with Finn and Chewie and I need you to stay here and wait for me in the cockpit. Okay?" She says partly begging, partly commanding me. "Okay, but I don't like this; you have been off since the other day and this is not like you." With that out in the open, she kisses my cheek and walks off. I hate being told to sit and wait around, it makes me feel powerless. I go back to bed and try to meditate to see if the force will show me anything. I can sense a dark and light source attempting to become one, however, one is still trying to overpower the other, this is confusing in of itself. With Rey and I being together, both the light and the dark side should be balanced. After a while of just sitting there, I hear Chewie and Finn come back with some other Resistance fighters, I go and peek around the corner doing my best to make sure I am not spotted. I watch as they carry several additional crates into the cargo bay, I need to know what is going on, I push myself into Finn's mind, 'What's going on Finn? Rey is keeping me in the dark.' Finn is quiet for a long moment but he responds in a harsh tone. 'Ben just stay here, no one else knows you here.' I slowly start to sneak back into the cockpit and lock the door behind me. 'Poe has decided to ban Rey from the Resistance unless she gives up her relationship with you, he thinks you are brainwashing her.' He continued. I don't understand how one of Rey's friends could be so extreme. 'Anyways it gets worse, Hux is alive and he is here.' That one sentence sent me into a state of shock, I dropped into the co-pilot chair. Rey is out there with that monster. Everything in me is screaming to go protect her and our child from Hux but I know she is more than capable of protecting herself, but I know Hux is planning something. The man has never liked me and has always sought to take full control. I just wish I knew what his endgame was.

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