Chapter 58: Let Me Love You

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Rey's POV:

I was nervous about the next part of the evening. I have been doing some thinking for a while but seeing Sun here tonight helped me solidify my answer that I had come to before her arrival. I decided I was ready to start growing our family again with Ben. We are walking back to our room, my palms are sweaty and I hope Ben doesn't notice. "Have I told you how beautiful you are today?" Ben asks with a cheeky smile. "Only every chance you get!" I say jokingly. As Ben pulls me into a kiss, I realize my nerves are causing me to shake, Ben pulls away and I can tell he has picked up on my nerves.

Ben's POV:

"Rey? What is it? What's wrong?" I ask, caressing her cheek with my knuckles. Her silence starts to put me on edge as I begin to worry. "Rey?" I ask again hoping I am not coming off as pushy. 'I want to grow our family,' I hear her say. I kiss her with everything I have in me, I hope I did not just hear her wrong and that this is actually happening. "Do you mean it?" I ask her, my voice cracking with emotion. "Yes Ben, I want to start a family with you. That is if you still want to?" My heart overflows with joy as I hear her say those words. I kiss her deeply and passionately as my body is brought to life through our touch. "Let me love you my ray of light! Will you let me show you how much I love you." I ask her, trying my best to wait patiently for her answer to make sure she is ready. "Yes!" That three-letter word leaving her lips was all the convincing I needed.

I press my lips to hers once more as I lift her to carry her to our room so we can arrive faster, I kick the room door shut behind me causing Rey to giggle at my actions. I place her down so I can remove our cloaks as she continues to explore my lips with hers. I guide us further into the room until she is sitting on the edge of the bed. I take a moment to catch my breath and just marvel at her beauty. 'How does a guy like me, get so lucky to end up with a woman like her?' I sit down in front of her and remove her heels one at a time. I am not that surprised to find her feet all red and irritated, I have never known her to wear shoes like these before. I decide to pause and massage her feet for a bit. I watch as her head falls back and she moans at the sensation of the tension being removed from her feet. I take my time as I message all the way up to her knee and back down again. "Force, Ben Solo, you really know how to please a girl." Rey coo's as I continue my work a bit longer. "Oh sweets, I can please you so much better than just this" I slightly growl as I continue the next stage of my plans for her. I rise up from the spot I have been sitting on the floor and help her up in the process. I begin to kiss her slowly but each one filled with every emotion I have for her. Eventually, I allow my lips to explore beyond the boundary of her honeysuckle lips. As they explore the various surfaces of her face, ear, jaw, neck, and collar bone, I begin to create a pile of fabric at our feet. She leans into every move I make and shivers as the crisp night air blows against her skin. The next thing I know our bodies are entangled in such a close and intimate way, I don't ever want to leave this moment. Multiple shock waves of pleasure run through our bodies caused by each other's presence before we both slip off to a peaceful sleep. 

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