Chapter 56: I Do

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The first to enter the room was Rey's bridal droids, their beeps squeaks and other sounds echoing off the walls. Next was Poe and Rose with their arms interlocked, they both wished Ben luck upon reaching the altar. The music changed as Rey and Finn stepped into view. Ben's eyes landed on Rey for the first time that day, his eyes filled with unexpected tears. This, in turn, causes Rey to start crying as well. The dress was so her, it transforms her into the ray of light Ben always knew she deserved to be. The sight of Rey left everyone absolutely breathless. However, Rey doesn't start her walk down the aisle. Ben nearly has a heart attack as he watches Rey pass her flowers to Finn and disappears out of sight. "Finn, go ahead and walk down. We will be right behind you." Rey instructs receiving a wink from Finn in response. Finn reaches the end where a panicking Ben and audience awaits. "What's going on Finn?" Ben asks, his panic quite obvious. "Oh, Ben don't you trust your girl?" He replies before filing into his spot. Rey is trying to help her nervous little one. "Mommy, I'm scared. There are so many people." The little girl explains while she hides under a table in the hallway. "Mommy is scared too. How about we walk down together?" Rey asks while holding her hand out to her daughter, once their hands lock they begin their walk down the aisle. Emotions start to overwhelm the soon to be happily married couple as Rey returns into view. Ben looks down and finally notices his sweet baby girl next to Rey with their hands interlocking. He immediately began to cry all over again at the scene before him, he never thought he would get to witness in this lifetime. They start to walk down the aisle at a snail's pace in order to allow their daughter the joy of throwing a handful of petals every few steps. His daughter reminded him of a sunflower, as she dropped the petals of the flower with the same name. 'Ben? We never did name her, but I think I found the perfect name! What do you think of Sunflower Solo?' 'I was just thinking the same thing' When Rey and Sun finally reached where Ben is, Rey can't hold herself back any longer and give him a hug as Sun attempts to hug both their legs. Ben speaks in hushed tones, "I missed the both of you too but let's get married so we can share our news with our daughter." Rey nods her head yes and takes a step back. Sun, on the other hand, refuses to let go of her father's leg until Leia comes around to pry the little one away, the scene causing all their guests to laugh. Finn hands Rey her flowers back and the ceremony officially starts.

"We are gathered here today to watch the marriage of these two young Jedi," Leia says to start the ceremony while bouncing Sun on her hip.

"This traditionally is not allowed by the old Jedi Code. However, as time has gone on we have learned even our pure Jedi ways are flawed." Luke explains.

"These two are bonded to each other in such a way we may never fully be able to understand. They have fought by each other's side even when they were enemies. They supported each other even though they were supposed to be against each other. They even went through death together and found they're way back together." Anakin continues.

"It is clear to us all that they are stronger together than they are apart. They complete each other and balance each other out for the better." Leia says as she tries not to cry.

"Do you promise to care for, cherish, support, and stay bonded to one another forever?" Luke asks.

"I do" Ben and Rey say at the same time, as Poe and Rose approach to hand off the rings.

"Anyone not in favor of this union? Speak now or forever hold your peace." Luke asks while Ben and Rey slide the wedding bands onto each other's fingers.

"What about you sweetie?" Rey asks as she reaches and exchanges her flowers for Sun with Leia.

"Do you approve of mommy and daddy marrying each other Sun?" Ben asks with one of the biggest smiles on his face.

"Sun? Is that me? Is that my name?" She asks all excited and giggly.

"Yes, Sunflower Solo," Rey explains with tears in her eyes.

"I love it!" Sun screams causing everyone to rejoice along with her now that they fully understand who she is.

"So kiddo, what do you say? Can we be an official family?" Ben asks as Rey sets their little girl down so they can all hold hands in a circle.

"Yes, please!" Sun demands while bouncing up and down.

"Then we present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Solo." Luke starts to announce.

"Ehem" Sun interrupts, feeling left out.

"Sorry! We present to you Mr. and Mrs. Solo as well as their sweet little Sunflower Solo." Luke corrects causing the small family in front of them to giggle.

"You may ..." Anakin starts but before he could finish Ben has already pulled Rey in for their first kiss. "That!" Anakin finishes stating while gesturing to the couple.

"EWWW" Sun squeaks as she drops her parent's hands so she can cover her own eyes.

This makes the whole room erupt in laughter, before slowly changing into shouts and cheers as they apply for the newly married couple. When Ben and Rey finally separate from their kiss they take a moment to wipe away each other's tears. Ben and Rey run out of the room while holding hands, while Sun stays with her grandmother. Leia was excited for the happy couple but she was also excited to stop calling her grandchild little girl all the time. Everyone quickly left the room after that since they didn't have much time to get ready for the next event.

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