Chapter 16: Date?

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Rey's POV:

The rain feels like it hits me from every angle that is possible but it's not, I know I'm on Yavin because I am standing in the middle of the Emperor's throne room where the first Death Star crashed into the planet, I look around and in the right corner of the room and there is Ben. "Ben!" I say as I run over to him. I kneel down beside him and I put my hands on his chest. He is not breathing. I placed two fingers on his neck. I didn't feel a pulse; in fact, he was cold to the touch. "Ben, no!" I place my head on his chest and begin to weep. "Why would the force show me this?" I feel a presence standing next to me without lifting my head, I look up and see the two figures from my meditation session earlier. They look down at me with judgment in their eyes. "Watch." I hear a little girl say. My eyes snapped to her, surprised I had not noticed her sooner. She is right by my side and appears so small compared to the other two. Her gray robes shift as she points to Ben. Then I feel Ben's chest slowly move up and down but the movements are uneven. I back away in shock now watching the three figures intently. "Da...Ben is neither on the light side of the force or the dark side of the force, same as you!" The small girl explains with a huge smile on her face which causes my heart to warm. "I look forward to claiming you to my side." The one in black claims with a slight snarl causing the little girl to let out a small cry in fear. I instinctively go back to her and tuck her slightly behind me as if to protect her from the other two. "You must fight the pull and not give in to the full power of the dark side." The one in white states. "You both must bring balance to the force and not fall into the full temptation of either side." The little girl warns behind me. "We will always have our champions. We will always dominate." The two in front of me say at the same time, I shudder at their words. I feel a slight tug on my hand and turn around to face the little girl. I kneel down to her height so we can be eye to eye. "I wish you both lucy mo...Rey, may the force be with you both." The little girl says this then hugs me around the neck. "I know you can do this!" She says and I can sense the hope in her voice. I run my fingers through her raven black hair which reminds me of Ben's. As I withdraw my hand and slightly pull away from her, the child disappears. This causes my heart to break, how could I grow so attached to the little one in such a brief interaction? I draw my attention back to the other two. I place my hand on my saber and prepare myself for a battle that I know could start at any moment but at that moment Ben sits up gasping for air drawing my attention away from them and I snap me out of the vision.

"Ben!" I shout as I shoot straight up like a rocket. "Easy Rey," Finn says as he puts his hand on my shoulder. Once I get my breathing to settle down a bit Poe takes a seat in the corner of the room at my desk. "How long was I out?" I ask them not to know who was going to speak up first. "An hour tops, we just got back thirty minutes ago. But we need you to fill us in on everything you are going through. You really had us worried." Poe replies. As he finishes his sentence as I feel the force bond connect and there in the middle of the room is Ben. I try to keep my composure while I politely excuse myself and make a b-line to the bathroom only briefly glancing behind me to make sure Ben got the signal to follow me. Once we're in there I turn around and realize he is soaking wet. "Ben, what's going on? What happ ..." I am cut off mid-sentence by him pulling me in close and for a small passionate kiss. When he pulls away I can't help but feel drawn to his eyes, "Too many questions, not enough time, especially when you have guests over. I love you." He says resting his forehead on mine. "I love you too," I say with a sigh as I start to feel nervous about the next thing I am about to say. "I'm pregnant" I blurted out in a slightly hesitant tone. He places his hands on my stomach and smiles, he has tears in the corners of his eyes. "I know and that's so wonderful... um..." He looks over to the bathroom door. "We shouldn't talk much longer. Knowing your friends, they are already worried about you." I nod my head in agreement "I know, I just didn't want to tell anyone anything until I saw you again" I explain while resting my hands on top of his. "Activate the force bond later once your friends leave." He says before he kisses me one more time. Then he pulls away slowly walking backward with a sad look on his face. I can tell he really doesn't want to end the connection. "Is that a date?" I tease him with a smile, too eager to resist and before I get a reply he's gone. I turn around, ready to return to the room and tell my friends everything, even if they are not the most understanding people. I know they will be accepting.

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