Chapter 31: Taken

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Rey's POV:

I had landed the Falcon on the first planet I saw because the flying was starting to make me nauseous. Ben had just fallen asleep a little over an hour ago. He offered to fly for a while so I could rest but I was too anxious to sleep. I'm in desperate need of the fresh air, hoping it would also help to clear my head. I walked into our room and shook Ben's shoulder to wake him up, "Mmmm." he groans, still fast asleep like a giant man-baby. "Ben, I landed the Falcon. I'm going for a walk and I might also look around for a nearby town." He buried his face further into his pillow. "Ok, take your lightsaber, love you." I smiled at the sight of him doing something so childish. He looked so peaceful and so happy it made my heart melt. I kiss the top of his head with a gentle almost feather-like pressure. Then I respond with a soft, "I love you too." It was so quiet I thought for a brief moment he wouldn't be able to hear it with as out of it as he was. I was pleasantly surprised when he responded to me with a small smile in his sleep. It was hard to pull myself away from the beautiful scenery, allowing the door to close behind me with a quiet click. As I walk out of the Falcon, I throw my cloak on and adjust the hood to cover as much of my face as possible. Approaching the small town, I am overwhelmed with the smells of delicious food and joyful tones of music floating through the air. I notice their people are holding a festival in honor of the war being over, it causes my heart to ache. 'If only they knew what was about to happen in their near future', I quickly push the thoughts away of the soon to be impending doom. I allow their optimism to fill me and change my outlook on how things might be. I watch the beautiful traditional celebratory dances that they do with such grace and pose. 'I wish Ben was here, I would love to dance with him.' I watch the people for an hour or so, allowing their bright smiles to soothe my soul. When I realized how late it was getting, I decided it's time to say goodbye to the joyful bliss and hope-filled atmosphere and back to Ben. I was about halfway to the Falcon when I got this deep feeling in my gut of being watched. I immediately ignite my lightsaber and slowly look around in an attempt to not miss anything. I see him in the corner of my eye as he runs towards me with his blood-red lightsaber in hand. I easily blocked him before jumping back in a desperate attempt to put some distance between us. He is too quick to adjust though and soon is on me again in a heartbeat. I open the bond as quickly as I can. 'BEN, I NEED YOU!' I mentally scream praying to the force he heard me. The mysterious man uses the force to throw me back quite a distance away causing me to break my concentration on my bond with Ben. I use force to soften the blow on my back and stomach as much as possible as I start to fear for our child. 'RAY, I'M COMING!' Ben hallows through the bond. I just hope I am able to hold on longer. My head hits a jagged rock as I collide with the desert floor and I feel the blood rushing down my face in an instinct. I reach through the force to sense how far out Ben is. My stomach drops when I realize he is still on the Falcon with no chance of reaching me in time. I use the force to relaunch the Falcon, set the autopilot for the Gray Temple and temporarily lock Ben out of any of its control systems. 'RAY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!' Ben screams over the bond and I lose my composure as I sense his muddled mess of emotions right now. I watch as the man stands above me despite my best effort to fight him off. 'I...I'm sorry Ben. I couldn't risk losing you both.' With what very well could be my last words sent to Ben, I completely block off my mind to him. I feel Ben pushing against my mental barricade with everything he has but I refuse to let him in. I refuse to let him see what might happen to me and our child because if we have any chance of winning this long term war, he is our only hope. The man picks up my lightsaber and turns it off so he can place it on his belt. "What to do with you?" I hear the man say with an evil hiss before I feel a tight squeezing on my throat causing everything to go black.

Poe's POV:

"You are sure we can trust this Jedi of your's?" I ask Hux. "Yes, and don't second guess me. We all know the galaxy is not safe if Kylo Ren is not dead and as well as his scavenger rat that he has managed to corrupt. Once they are destroyed, the Final Order will surrender to the Resistance and we can start a new order together." Hux spits out. "Oh Hux, why must you act so aggressive towards me, when we both know you just want me," I say and can't help but giggle to myself. "I'm sorry. We both seem a little stressed, how about we meet up in our room in ten to give each other a hand with that." Hux says in hushed tones. I nod my head dreamily, thinking about what we are going to do. Hux storms off to our room to prepare himself and I can't help but feel like a schoolboy.

Finn's POV:

'If I have to go one more day listening to those two like that I think I am going to be sick.' I think to myself as I watch Hux and Poe walk off together. I find Rose in the cafeteria. "Emergency meeting, meet me in my room at ten." Ten minutes later she enters my room. "Alert everyone, I am taking full control of the Resistance. Poe is not thinking clearly and has been compromised by his new love interest. I order all our remaining allies to meet Rey and Ben at these coordinates." I hand her a slip of paper with the coordinates Rey sent me. "This is so people can have a safe hiding spot, for now. Give them the devices you have developed so they can be 100% sure they are not being tracked in any way. For those who are still here on base, we are going to act as usual and have them report everything to me before anyone else from here on out." I explain to her. "I will" She states flatly. "And Rose, leave and head to those coordinates too. I don't want you anywhere near this mess." I explain as I send her away.

Hux's POV:

I enter the room and open a hologram. "Sir I have that general exactly where I want him, that new drug is working perfectly. Once we see some of the more long term effects we can use it to control the rest of the galaxy!" If the drug works as it supposed too, I will eventually use it on the Final Order and Resistance fighters and take control of the galaxy. Keeping everyone in the galaxy under my control. "And the girl?" He asks. "Our dark Jedi captured her," I said. "Excellent. Have him use this new drug on her as well so we can use her against Kylo Ren. As for that putrid thing inside of her, dispose of it." The hologram turns off. "Of course," I agreed with a satisfied grin.

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