Chapter 72: Fire Rain

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Twelve years later.

Ben's POV:

I woke up today feeling a severe shift in the force like no other, I was still having a hard time pulling my thoughts together on it, still groggy from sleep when Rey shot out of bed in a panic next to me. "No, it can't be!" She cried as she ran from the room, I chased close behind her as our bond opened and I felt all her worries and fear. I followed her all the way down the hall to where our children's rooms were. "Ani, Lucas, Hanz! Wake up!" She cries. "Rey, talk to me, what's going on!" I ask while pulling her close to me in a desperate attempt to calm her down. "Mom!" Ani cries, running up to hug her mother. Hanz and Lucas follow close behind. "Why does my chest hurt? Like someone is squishing me." Ani asks. "That's the force sweetie, letting you know something big is happening." I calmly explain to her as I brush hair out of her face. "Why didn't I feel it?" Lucas asks. "Yeah, I did not feel it either," Hanz complains. I turn to look at Rey, now understanding her worry. "Rey go with Ani to the bunker and stay there till I come for you, you hear?" Rey nods her head in understanding as tears begin to stream down her face. I pull her close for a quick reassuring kiss. "No, I can help, I refuse to leave. I don't want to risk losing my brothers!" Ani cries. Before we could continue the conversation the Temple shook violently. All run outside as quickly as we can; not knowing how well the Temple would hold up. I look up to see The Final Order and The Resistance were at war once again only this time in our atmosphere. It looked as if it was raining fire, a massive storm off explosions of falling wreckage. Rey and I guide the kids onto the Falcon and quickly give orders to change into the battle gear Rey has been making for them. Once outside again I told everyone to call their lightsabers to us. The moment Ani's hits her hand I can see her start to panic. "Look at me Ani, it's for just in case... ok sweetheart." I state, trying to soothe her frightened soul. I only got her to agree to train with her dual bladed saber when I promised her she would most likely never have to use it in battle. I pray to the force she has the strength to use it if this gets to that point. I turn to address the rest of our children and Rey when everything goes black.

Ani's POV:

"No! Why would you do that?" I scream at my brothers as I run to my parent's aid as their bodies hit the ground. "You knew this was coming! We have all had visions of this day. Why does this still seem to surprise you?" Hanz stated harshly; getting toe to toe with me as if he was going to fight me if it seemed necessary. "Yeah but that didn't mean you had to knock them out. We could have talked to them, they could have helped us. Must you always act so rashly!" Lucas countered while purposefully putting himself between Hanz and me. I let my thoughts consume me as I attempted to tend to our parents.

We all knew this day was coming. We all knew the risks and challenges that would come along with it. I only want to keep the family together, working as a team as we always did because that is what we were best at. I could not understand why Hanz was acting like a nerf herder all a sudden. I force myself to snap out of that train of thought and focus on the task at hand. "Lucas helped me get our parents out to the family bunker so we know they would be safe, then we can all try to come up with a better plan." That's when I looked up and realized Hanz wasn't with us. "Lucas where's Hanz?" I asked slightly panicked. Lucas started running after following Hanz's force signature like our parents taught us in case of emergencies. I start to chase after them, not willing to lose anyone else today. "No Ani stay here!" Lucas shouts back causing me to freeze in my tracks. "But I want to help!" I complain not understanding why my brothers always pushed me aside. "I need you to protect Mom and Dad." I knew he was right. The only thing we all agreed on from all our visions since they were each slightly different was the fact that our parents were the key to fixing everything in the long haul. Lucas turned around to face me, "Do me a favor and stay safe?" His words hit me hard, I know the chances of him actually making it back were slim. I ran up to him and gave him a hug, "May the force be with you brother; and please try to knock some sense into Hanz." I cried before turning and running back to where our parents are.

I try to levitate them and accidentally end up dropping them since I am too distracted by the war around me. I drag mom into the falcon then attempt to do the same with dad but he is too heavy. I was starting to lose hope when uncle Chewie showed up out of nowhere, closely followed by uncle Poe and Finn. "Chewie help her get him on the Falcon!" Poe commands as he comes to my side. "Where's your Mom?" Finn asks. "I already got her on board. We are going to the bunker, Hanz ran off though and Lucas chased after him. Uncle Poe, I have a bad feeling about this." I state while trying to hold back my tears. "We will go after them. Take Chewie with you so he can help you get them in the bunker, have him join us after that." Poe commands as he walks away. "Don't do anything stupid Ani. I would kinda like to see you in one piece again." Finn adds before chasing after Poe.

I quickly start up the falcon and start flying to the bunker. I fly as low to the ground as I could to try to avoid detection while dodging fallen debris. When we arrive uncle Chewie picks up both my parents and helps me lay them in the bunker before running off to join the rest of the fight. I stand outside the bunker after sealing them safely inside. I take a deep, long, meditative breath in a final attempt to calm my nerves. I watch as several ships land carrying foot shoulders. I continue to focus on my breathing as I ignite my dual orange blades. The war we have known about since we were four is finally here.

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