Chapter 5

276 21 4

Look at Kiki's little hand heart 🥺❤️


Kihyun's POV

While I was sleeping, I felt something or rather, someone shaking me. I groaned as I opened my eyes and saw that Hyungwon was leaning over me and grinning. When he saw that I was awake (but still half asleep) he said, "I have a plan."

As soon as I heard that I was wide awake. I sat up straight and asked him "Did you find something?"

As I asked him that, he slowly pulled something out of his pocket. It was an envelope. He handed it to me and I opened it.

Inside were two keys, a piece of paper stuck on each one. One of them said 'basement key (spare)' and the other one said 'house key (spare)'. 

I looked up at him with a look of astonishment and hope. "Where did you find it?" I asked.

"I looked through the chest while you were sleeping and found seven envelopes, the last one had these keys in them. My mom must have kept them in there and forgotten about it and my dad would have dumped it in the basement, after she left..." he explained, adding the last part sadly and in the faint moonlight I could see that his eyes were slightly red and puffy. I got up and gave him a tight hug as I saw his eyes welling up again. 

"Hey, don't worry, I'm here for you", I said. He hugged me back, thanking me and smiled softly.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked. "You're just like a mother, kind and gentle" he chuckled softly and I puffed out my cheeks, "No! I am not a mother!" I whisper-shouted. 

"Ok, ok" he mumbled the last part but I still heard him. While he was still laughing, I smacked his shoulder softly. He looked at me with a look of betrayal, "What was that for?",

"That was for laughing at me and calling me 'mom'." I huffed, "Now let's figure out a way to get out of here."

"Ok", he said pouting slightly. I chuckled and asked, "So what's the plan?"

"We need to get out of here", he replied. "Well, no shit Sherlock. The question is how", I said, rolling my eyes. "Woah, sassy aren't we?" He said and I scoffed.

"So anyway, we know that your dad leaves for work in the morning right?"



A/N: I know this is short and I'm sorry but my finals start from this Friday and I have to study 😭😭

So until the 28 of February I won't really be able to update long chapters (not like they ever were but they'll probably be even shorter sorry) and the updates won't be very frequent or have a fixed date but I'll try to update at least twice or thrice.


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