Chapter 4

306 26 6

Hyungwon is a baby fIgHt mE


Hyungwon's POV

I quickly wiped the tear away afraid that I'll start crying again and moved on to looking into the envelopes. Surprisingly all of them had my name on it (A/N: all of the letters were like addressed to him, if that makes sense?).

There were seven of them.

I opened them one by one.

The first one had a small silver dagger attached to a string of leather. It had a piece of paper in there too which I decided to read later.

I opened the second envelope and saw that there was a ring which was attached to a chain and another piece of paper. 

I kept it along with the first one and proceeded to open the third one. In it were two identical rings with a stone set in the middle. I kept them in my pocket. After finding another piece of paper in there I concluded that there was a letter of some sort in every envelope along with an object and that each envelope was a different colour and the letter in it was the same colour.

The fourth envelope had a compass in it. It looked really old but was in a very good condition. It looked like an antique piece.

It's beautiful , I thought 

I kept that aside along with the letter that came with it and opened the fifth one. This one had a dagger with a hilt made of garnet. It had a sheath of leather with beautiful swirling patterns carved on it.

The sixth envelope had a palm sized rock. It had a symbol carved on it which looked like an angel. When I touched it, it started to glow and filled the room with enough light to see everything around me.

 The last one was an ordinary brown envelope which was strange because all the others had a certain kind of glow to them...

I opened it and saw two keys. There was a piece of paper stuck on each one... I looked closer and saw that one said 'basement key (spare)' and 'house key (spare)'. I squealed softly. 

My mother must have kept them in the chest and my father must have forgotten about it and dumped it in the basement!

I safely kept both of them in my pocket, spread a huge blanket and put all the clothes, envelopes and letters in it and then tied it up.

Then I ran over to Kihyun and shook him awake. He awoke with a groan and I whispered to him while grinning, 

"I have a plan."




Can someone please explain why tHIS PIECE OF TRASH HAS LIKE 280 READS???


I LOVE YOU ALL❤️❤️❤️❤️

And since I know that some of my IRLs are reading this here's a joke hehe

hey dudé, I'm broké cuz I have no moné (money lmao)  and life is shité, aYÉ



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