Chapter 1

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A/N: I don't update every day but since it's New Year's and I'm in a good mood, here's an update lol 

And one more thing... the next few chapters are going to be about what happened in the past.

Trigger Warning: Abuse 


Hyungwon's POV

This happened when I was just a child, about 7 or 8. My father had just come home from work and I could tell that he was drunk by the way he was calling my name and cursing under his breath.

I tried to hide under my bed quickly before he came into my room but I was too slow...

He banged on my door, barged in and dragged me out from where I was already halfway under my bed and threw me to the floor.

"Trying to hide from me, huh?! You worthless little shit!"

He started to beat me up. I tried to suppress my tears as he repeatedly punched and kicked my face and stomach, but when he hit my eye I couldn't hold it in any longer. 

I screamed and my tears mixed with blood, because of a cut right under my eye, streamed down my face. 

My cries of pain didn't stop him though, as he only laughed and hit me harder. He even brought a whip and whipped me until I was bleeding. I was sure that the scar would never fade and that it would haunt me forever.

I was surprised when he suddenly stopped hitting me and laughing. I looked up at him through my swollen and tear filled eyes. He had a hard look on his face, like it was craved out of stone, expressionless.

Suddenly, he grabbed me by my hair and threw me into the basement and slammed the door.

He never went in there, ever.

He would always just stand in the doorway and stare into the darkness. I never knew why.

When he threw me into the basement, I landed roughly on my shoulder and yelped in pain. This has happened so many times, I'm used to it now. Everyday he comes home, beats me up and calls me worthless, it's become a routine. I was surprised that I was even alive and breathing at this point.

I sat there and cried until no more tears would fall. I could hardly see because my eyes were swollen and tears were blurring my vision, but I saw a small movement in the dark, behind an old wooden box. It was something small for sure.

I flinched as I saw a pair of glinting eyes looking at me, it slowly made it's way towards me and I saw in the faint moonlight from the small little window on the wall, that the small creature with glinting eyes, was a cat.


That's it for the first chapter. 

I hope you liked it!

I wish you all a very Happy New Year filled with blessings and love❤️❤️❤️

Have a great day/night 


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