Chapter 13

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Take care and stay safe 💕

(Please read the A/Ns at the end)



Hyungwon's POV

"I'm curious though, how did you guys learn how to shift forms the first time?" I asked.

"I don't know about Kihyun but I didn't really 'learn' how to transform...I just kind of did it in my sleep I guess...?" Minhyuk answered, though it sounded more like he was questioning himself.

"I transformed in my sleep too! And now I can shift in and out of it easily. I learnt that I can shape shift from my dream as well." Kihyun said.

"It might work for you too. Just lie down and close your eyes. I don't know how to explain, but it'll feel like you're being lured into this state of sub conciousness, like you're not fully asleep but you're not awake either but it's also like you're in such a deep sleep that no one will be able to wake you up unless you wake up yourself." Minhyuk explained.

"That's the scariest part though, because if you get lost in the dream you may not wake up..." Kihyun said.

"You're scaring me Ki," I said.

He then suddenly looked up at me with wide eyes which were the colour of amber.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Ki is my name", he responded. "Uhhh yeah, that's why I called you Ki...?", I said.

"Sorry that was my Wolf who responded, his name is Ki, at least that's what I call him. He has beautiful amber coloured eyes." He told me, "Don't worry Ki they're my friends, we're safe here," Kihyun then softly mumbled to himself but Minhyuk and I heard anyway because we have very good hearing since we are wolf hybrids as well. "Hey Ki! My Wolf's name is Min!" Minhyuk said going over to Kihyun and placing a hand on his shoulder. As if at the contact, both the wolves had been summoned and they looked into each other's eyes. At first Kihyun's were amber and Minhyuk's were caramel but then suddenly both of their eye colours changed to a stunning gold. They just stared into each other's eyes, getting lost in them. I cleared my throat, snapping them out of their trance. "W-what just happened?" Kihyun asked. "Your eyes changed from amber to golden when I touched your shoulder," Minhyuk replied. "Yours were golden too Minhyuk" Kihyun told him. "My mother had told me something about golden eyes, I forgot what she said though..." Kihyun said, trailing off. "We can ask her once we get to your house alright? For now we gotta help Hyungwon in shifting forms," Kihyun hummed and nodded and they both then turned towards me. 

"Let's get started shall we?" They both said in unison.



(A/N: I'll be giving their wolves different names. It's basically like a nickname but like their Wolf is summoned too if they have been called by that name, idk if this makes sense at all lmao sorry. An example could be that if you call Kihyun 'Ki' it's still Kihyun, it's just that his Wolf will be summoned too, so you're basically talking to both of them. It doesn't really mean much but it's easier to address them that way, I guess? I'll tell you guys if it holds any importance. Here it does, because firstly they're meeting each other's wolves for the first time and also because Kihyun and Minhyuk are mates and the stuff with the golden eyes.)

(A/N 2: Kihyun's Wolf's eyes are amber coloured, while Minhyuk's Wolf's eyes are caramel coloured. All seven of the boys' actual eye colours are a soft chocolate brown. Basically their Wolves have a different eye colour than their own)

If you have any questions feel free to ask me because sometimes I myself don't know what I'm talking about plus this is some complicated shit so yeah 😂😂

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