Chapter 8

245 22 13

Minhyuk's POV 

I got up feeling something soft nuzzling against my neck and rubbing my nose. I giggled at the ticklish feeling and opened my eyes. I saw a cat on top of me.

 As soon as our eyes met, it's eyes turned a golden shade. It glanced up at the mirror above my bed as if it knew something was wrong, but when it looked back down again it's eyes were brown

Hmmm...that's weird...It must be because I just got up, I thought.

I then smiled widely at the cat and placed it on my lap, stroking its fur. "Good morning kitty! How did you get in here?" I asked but then noticed the slightly open window of my room. "Oh, you must have got in through the window!" I realised. It mewed softly in response and nuzzled against my hand. 

Suddenly the cat  jumped off my lap, startling me in the process. There was a flash of light and suddenly the cat had turned into a boy, slightly younger than me. He had brown hair, sparkly brown eyes and small, plump lips. As we made eye contact again his eyes turned gold but quickly switched back again.

I was a bit scared so I cuddled my blanket a bit tighter. I had seen this happen before in the orphanage, but it never happened right in front of me, so I was just a tad bit scared.

"Hey, uhhh my name's Yoo Kihyun", he said awkwardly. "Ummm, Hi! I'm Lee Minhyuk", I introduced myself hesitantly. "So...why are you here?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. 

"I need your help to save Hyungwon" He said.

-Time Skip-

"So, what you're saying is that you're a wolf hybrid who can change forms and that you know Hyungwon who is my best friend and you're trying to help him escape from his dad's basement because you heard him crying and you need my help because he asked you to call me?" I asked.

"Yeah, you could say that", he replied.

"Ok, I'll help but let me get changed first", I said turning towards the closet to get out a fresh shirt. Kihyun's eyes widened and he blushed slightly as I took off my shirt. I felt him staring at my back. I was aware that I had a mark shaped like an 'X' on my shoulder, so I quickly pulled on another shirt so that he would stop staring. It worked like a charm. I walked back and asked him to quietly jump out of the window and I followed soon after (after putting on my shoes) and asked him to lead me to where Hyungwon was.


Happy Wonho Day everyone! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Happy Wonho Day everyone! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Look at these babies 🥺 They look so happy🥺❤️

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Look at these babies 🥺 They look so happy🥺❤️

I miss him so much 😭

There are more pictures than words in this chapter *sighs* I'm sorry lmao

Anyway, I hope you're having a great day and eating a lot of delicious food!

Stay safe and happy


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