Chapter 7

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Kihyun's POV


I wake because of the sunlight coming in through the little window. I sit up groggily and then recall what happened last night. I shake Hyungwon to wake him up. He stirs for a bit before finally opening his eyes. He sits there dazed for a few minutes and then remembers about yesterday's plan. He sits up straight, now wide awake. 

"Good morning", I greet him with a smile. "Morning!" He greets me back, smiling as well.

"Let's get on with the plan", I say. "Ok, let's stack up some boxes so that we can reach the window", he said.

So we both got up and looked around for boxes we could carry. The basement's ceiling was pretty low so we didn't need many. We found four boxes and stacked them up till they reached the window. I climbed up and shifted into a cat. I jumped out of the window hearing, a 'be careful' from Hyungwon. I walked towards the front of the house just in time to see, a man who I assumed was Hyungwon's father, walking out of the house, wearing a suit with a dark brief case in one hand. He had bloodshot eyes, I noticed. He walked out and locked the door, then he proceeded towards his car. He sat inside and started up the engine. I watched quietly, from my spot behind a bush, as he slowly backed out of the driveway and drove away. I then continued my way to the next building and walked up to the last window on the left. It was slightly open so I jumped in. There I saw a boy, about the same age as me, maybe a year older. He was sleeping while hugging a pillow. He had walnut coloured hair, just like Hyungwon had said. 

He's cute, I thought as I walked closer to the bed. I jumped up and started nuzzling in his neck and rubbing his nose with my paw. He giggled a bit and stirred. He soon woke up and as our eyes met I thought I saw a flash of gold in them. I looked up at the mirror above his bed and saw that mine were golden too, but then they faded back to brown. I looked back at him and saw that his were brown too. 

I must be hallucinating, I thought, though I remembered that my mother had told me something about golden eyes, I'll make sure to ask her later.

The boy smiled widely at me, his soft brown eyes shining as he got up and gently placed me on his lap. "Good morning kitty! How did you get in here?", He asked while stoking my fur, but then noticed that his window was slightly open. "Oh, You must have gotten in through the window!" I mewed slightly in response, purring as I nuzzled against his hand. 

Though I suddenly jumped off his lap as I felt myself transforming again.



Heyyy so this is slightly longer than my usual chapter length which is pretty short anyway bUT I'm making progress, so that's good I guess.

I was just thinking, should I just write short chapters? And you know, try to update more often (lmao like that'll happen, I'm the queen of procrastination *flips hair*)

But yeah tell me what you guys think.

Where do you think Kihyun is?

Also MY EXAMS ARE ALMOST OVER (though we have school as usual after that, which sucks buT AT LEAST THE EXAMS PART WILL BE DONE SO HECK YEAH) so now I need to start mentally preparing myself to stan like 28 other Kpop groups *sweats in stan language*

Also MY EXAMS ARE ALMOST OVER (though we have school as usual after that, which sucks buT AT LEAST THE EXAMS PART WILL BE DONE SO HECK YEAH) so now I need to start mentally preparing myself to stan like 28 other Kpop groups *sweats in stan language*

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And I really want to thank whoever is reading this book. I hit 500 reads and I'm just so happy. I love reading all your comments and they just make my day. Thank you so much for reading this even though it's pretty trashy lmao. I love you all <3

Anyway take care and stay safe!

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Anyway take care and stay safe!


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