Chapter 9

241 21 7

Kihyun's POV

As I explained the situation to him, he looked at me, slightly hesitant but agreed to help us anyway. He then went to change. As he took off his shirt, my eyes widened and my cheeks heated up.

Calm down Kihyun! Why are  you so flustered anyway? I scolded myself. 

As I calmed myself I noticed a mark on his shoulder. It was different but familiar at the same time. I wanted to look at it for a little while more but he had already pulled on another shirt. I sighed inaudibly as he turned around and told me to slip out the window. We then started to walk towards Hyungwon's house with me leading the way. I felt the need to ask him whether he was a hybrid. I had a mark similar to his on my forearm. I glanced at my mark, gathered up some courage, then swiftly turned and asked him, "Are you a hybrid?"

He looked at me, wide-eyed, "W-What?" I repeated my question but he avoided eye contact. "Hey, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I'm a hybrid as well. See?" I said showing him the mark on my arm. He nodded but seemed a bit uncomfortable. "How did you know?" He asked. "I saw the mark on your shoulder and thought it looked similar to mine, so I had to ask." I replied. By then we had reached Hyungwon's house. As we walked up to the front door, I pulled out the key he had given me. I opened the door and walked in with Minhyuk trailing behind me cautiously. 

Once we were inside, I screamed Hyungwon's name, startling Minhyuk. Soon after I heard him shout back in response. I followed his voice as he screamed directions to the basement. Once we were down I knocked on the door five times. Hyungwon told us to take a step back, then he slipped the basement key from under the door. I quickly picked it up and unlocked the door, Minhyuk standing close behind me. 

As soon as I opened it, Hyungwon practically flew out and jumped on us, hugging the living daylights out of us, but knowing how scared he was we hugged him back just as tightly.



*le gasp*

I updated, after like two weeks haha

I was just being really lazy so I'm really sorry

I hope you enjoy!




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