Chapter 2

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Hyungwon's POV

I stared at it for a while and slowly reached out my hand and started petting and stroking it's fur. It purred softly under my touch and came closer and started to nuzzle against my leg. I picked it up slowly, wincing at the sharp pain in my shoulder, and gently placed it down on my lap. It turned to face me and stared deep into my eyes, as if it could see my soul...

It suddenly jumped off my lap and with a flash of light turned into another young boy. I was startled (and a bit scared but I chose to ignore it). I watched as he got up and walked behind the box, and got out a small broken candle and a tiny little match box. He lit the candle and kept it between us.

As he sat in front of me, I saw that he had dark brown eyes, soft looking brown hair, a cute little nose and small but full pink lips.

He noticed my startled expression and smiled warmly at me, I instantly felt more relaxed and smiled back. He then came and sat beside me. 

"Hey, I'm Yoo Kihyun, I'm a wolf hybrid but I can change forms", he said. He has a slight lisp, I noticed. "Wow! That's so cool!" I said. "By the way I'm Chae Hyungwon, but I have a question.... How did you get in here? In the basement?", I asked after introducing myself.

He pointed upwards, "I got in through the window when I heard you crying", he said. "But why are you here?" I asked. "I came here to help're hurt very badly" he replied.

He then asked me... " Will you let me help you?"

"O-ok" I replied hesitantly. 

He took my hand and gave it a light squeeze, "Trust me, I won't hurt you."

He then hugged me and told me take off my clothes. I stripped and lay down on the cold cement floor... I could already see my purpling bruises and dried blood.

Kihyun was sitting next to me holding my hand. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the pain in my back and shoulder where my father had whipped me, instead I focused on Kihyun's hand. It was a little smaller than mine and very warm.

He was mumbling something I couldn't really understand but I could feel something pulsating through Kihyun's hand and into my body.

The last thing I heard was Kihyun whispering my name...


This is so short I'm sorry lol

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