10- Arena

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Chapter 10- Arena

Angel's POV

"Angela and Angelica you are riding with Storm and Angelo will ride with Cast with me. End of discussion." I stated, forcing their arms in the bag I packed for them.

"But maaaaaa-"

"But nothing you are not traveling in your wolf form."

"Fine." They pouted, a smile broke out on my face. They are just too cute.

In five minutes we were in the forest with the rest of the pack on our trail. Now that I think about it the whole aspect of the Grand Battles is weird. The area of the arena is unknown. A pack is normal personally picked by the Moon Goddess to hold the Grand Battles but we aren't made aware which but there had been a change about the venue location. Every decade when it's the time of the Grand Battles we set off in the forest and walk until we somehow reach there. We may memorize the path or know which pack we arrived at but after you leave all knowledge of the path and the identity of the pack vanish, you can't remember which route you took or which direction only that you were there and the events that happened there. The Grand Battles is a magical event that amazes people time and time again.

"Mom, where are we going? We've been walking for hours." Angela's whine reached my ears.

I giggled sheepishly while scratching the back of my head, "Umm I don't know."

"Eh?!" Angela and Angelo exclaim in unison.

"Mama already explained to us the concept of this journey, idiots." Angelica reminded, in her usual bored voice.

"And you haven't been walking, Storm and Cast has." I mused.

We continued in silence with Xavier strolling beside us and the pack behind us. Most are in wolf forms but I couldn't be bothered to phase. Thankfully, we broke through the tree lines on to a massive land with a huge ancient looking arena yet it looked modern, somehow? The aura was so compelling with mystery and the air tingled with magic.

We glided across the luscious blanket of green grass that seems to get shades darker as we neared the arena. Now the arena was a beauty itself, standing ten stories tall and at a length where I count twenty windows on each floor. Thankful to my enhanced sight, I could clearly make out the flags standing firm with pride of each species on the roof of the circular building. Each flag for the different species. Each species has its significant color and an image of there form on the flags.

It's a different case for the werecats since there are many different species of cat shifters such as lion shifters, jaguar shifter, panther shifter, the cheetah shifter, cat shifters commonly known as nekos, etc so to make it easier we just compiled them under one big name, the werecats. While there are flags for each werecats species they all share the same color of yellow but with different images. The werewolves flag is the color of forest green and as one can guess a wolf printed on it.

Lycan: grey
Vampire: crimson (blood) red
Demon: black
Angel: white
Mermaid: sky blue
Siren: dark blue
Faery: gold
Witch: purple
Elf: light green and brown
Ogre: bright blue
Werewolf: forest green
Werecats: yellow
Dragon shifter: rainbow colors
Bear shifter: brown
Snake shifter: black, yellow, and green

It was a beautiful sight with all the flags together but I'm thoroughly confused. Why are they together? The last time I came to the Grand Battles it was only the wolf's flag up there. Did the species unite? What's going on? A spirit materialized before us, she was a beauty with her golden hair, soft features, and innocent eyes but I could tell despite the angelic aura, you don't want to anger her.

"Good day, I am Serene and I will be escorting you to the werewolves' quarters. Please follow me." Her cheerful voice rang through the pack clearly and we complied. Her name suits her well.

Directing us around the arena I realized that it is way more gigantic than I originally thought. The arena could house 1 million people and still have room. Thankfully we have speed on our side or this would have taken forever to go around the massive building.

Fifteen buildings made their existence known standing tall but still couldn't rival the arena. A silver brick road, surprisingly the same color as the full moon, started the back entrance of the arena and traveled a distance to end in front of a building the werewolves' flag attached to the roof. The distance along the road had six buildings on each side, relatively the same size as the wolf's at the end of the road, with different species flag attached to their designated building.

I was in awe at the orientation and beauty of the buildings. They are practically sparkling in the sun. The kids were running along the road in excitement except for Angelica, she is as bored as ever. I get down from Cast and stand beside her.

"Let's make a deal." That got her attention, as she stared at me.

"What kind of deal?" She narrowed her eyes at me, ugh she needs to be more childish. Yeah, that's never gonna happen.

" If you beat them and reach the building first you pick the rooms." She looked at Angela and Angelo already halfway to the building and look bad at me with excitement dancing in her eyes.

"Deal." She agreed, we took off.

Hearing the light footsteps the two crazies look at us and put more speed. Angelica gained on Angela with ease but Angela loves challenges more than her siblings which says a lot for my Angels live for challenges. I run a little behind and watched the three battling to reach the building first while admiring the buildings along the way. I could hear the pack's joyful laughter at the kids try to best each other. Angela took the lead and didn't plan on letting go but Angelo was determined to win and used that as his nitro and press forward. Through the thin cloud of dust, the kids had uprooted I saw that they were a few feet in front of the building.

Now, this is where I come in and remind them that their mom is here and can easily whoop their asses. I stood in front of the building and watched them stumbled to a stop, wide eyes, and hanging mouths.

"B-bu-but-" Angelo stuttered out looking at where I was, about a mile back, and where I am now. Obviously dumbfounded. "Ughhhh! Ma, it's not fair!"

"You forgot about your weak little ma didn't you." I countered, his cheeks dust a faint pink as he rubbed the back of his neck. Angela laughed at her brother's expense.

"U-uh, why were we racing?" He dodged my question and asked Angelica.

"Mom said whoever win gets to pick the rooms." Angelica shrugged while pushing up her black glasses, indifferent as usual.

"Rooms?-" Angela started.

"You know we're just going to share one already." Angelo finished, they are inseparable.

Angelica shrugged, "I just wanted an excuse to race you guys."

"Unbelievable. When are you guys going to stop challenging each other?" Xavier deadpanned, oh the pack caught up.

The triplets shared a look before simultaneously saying, "Never, we need some sort of entertainment."

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