Nana Shimura

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I stood silently behind All Might, waiting as he fiddled with the keys. He grunted as he grabbed the wrong one, the metal glinting as he switched through them.

Finally, he placed the correct key into the slot, producing a soft clicking noise. He then wrapped his fingers around the brass doorknob before pushing inwards.

All Might walked into the house slipping his shoes off, so I followed suit.

As we wandered through the house, I glanced around curiously. While walking through one hallway, without thinking, I gently picked up a picture frame.

In the picture were a young-looking All Might and a black-haired woman. The woman had a wide, silly grin on her face, arm wrapped around All Might while he blushed in excitement. Finger gliding across the glass, I noticed it was incredibly smudged as if it had been picked up often.

My eyes trailed downwards, settling on a silver plaque below the picture. Engraved on the metal were the names "Toshinori and Nana."

Glancing upwards, I turned towards 'Toshinori.' "Is your name Toshinori?" I asked as his back was turned.

Suddenly, Toshinori froze, a palpable tension in the air. After a moment, he turned around and, upon noticing the picture in my hand, snatched it from me before placing it back.

"Don't. Touch," he ordered, eyes narrowed. "And don't call me Toshinori."

Gulping, I nodded, frozen in place for a moment. I guess I shouldn't pry.

"Come on," All Might said, snapping me out of it.

"Y-yes, sir!" I said, quickening my pace.

He led me down the rest of the hallway before stopping in front of a door.

"This'll be your room," he said simply before walking away.

I stared at him curiously as he left, but became more intrigued with my new room. Turning towards the door, I quickly opened it up and stepped into the room.

The room, in itself, was quite dull. It was nothing to scoff at, though, as it had all the necessities. And, upon opening up the closet, I smiled widely.

Inside the closet was a simple, small desk and an admittedly rickety looking chair. However, for some reason, a warm sensation fluttered in my chest.

Smiling, I crept around the area, looking for anything interesting. Soon enough, my eye caught sight of a beaten-up notebook that was practically embedded in the carpet.

Crouching down, I picked up the notebook and flipped through the pages. The paper was yellowed and crisp, clearly used often beforehand, detailing fighting techniques, tips, and costume ideas along with a few diary-like entries.

Without thinking, I sat on the rickety chair, wood groaning beneath me. Licking my thumb, I flipped through and read the pages, examining each picture as well as small details in the writing.

However, I soon came to a page which was almost entirely ripped, save for a small chunk. From what I could gather, though, it spoke of the writer - presumably All Might - training with a woman named Nana Shimura.

My eyes widened, immediately recognized the name from the engraving on the picture.

Skimming further, I read mention of a power called "One For All." Curious, I continued flipping through the pages, but to no avail. After the ripped entry, the rest were torn out or blank.

I furrowed my brows. What exactly is this power? And why are all these pages ripped?

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Glancing around, I quickly shoved the notebook on the side of the desk before stepping out of the closet, carefully shutting the door behind me.

Just as I closed the door, All Might walked into the room, causing me to jump slightly. He raised a brow at me, but didn't ask further questions.

"You should get to sleep," he said. "You're going to school tomorrow and I have to get there early."

As I nodded, we connected eyes for a moment. And, even if it was only for a second, I swore I could see a spark of guilt in his eyes. However, it was gone as quickly as it showed.

After a moment, he turned back around, opening the door.

"Uhm, All Might...," I spoke up. Ask him.

He turned slightly, looking tired. Ask him.

"...Nevermind," I said, scratching the back of my neck. "Goodnight."

All Might stared at me for a moment before nodding and flicking the lights off, slowly closing the door behind him.

Sighing, I crawled into bed and stared at the ceiling. "Maybe some things are better left unsaid," I mumbled to myself. Turning, I stared at the door, pulling the covers over my shoulders. "U.A., huh?" I yawned, eyes drooping. "I wonder what that's like..."



im sorry it's short

and kinda bad

this is what happens when you write at 4AM XD


Thanks for reading! <3

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