Live to Protect

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-x- Third Person POV -x-

"We've just received word from our man, Tomura Shigaraki," Kurogiri informed.

Shigaraki leaned back in his seat, foot propped up on the table. "And?"

Kurogiri walked behind the bar, picking up a rag and a glass before beginning to wash it. "'Deku defeated him and protected the civilians on the train. Our spy also informs us that, even after civilians started berating him, he refused to fight back."

Shigaraki sat upwards, stroking his chin. "So," a wicked grin grew on his face, "This means we do have a chance. The kid won't know what hit him." He let out a harsh, manic laugh before relaxing once again. "We'll just let the heroes do the work for now. I'm sure the brat's bound to get curious at some point..."


-x- Izuku Midoriya's POV -x-

Passing the man off, I sat down, shaking. My fingers trembled as I brushed them through my hair, nodding on as another officer spoke to me. I couldn't say I was paying too much attention, though. I suppose I'd have to give some sort of statement later on.

Kirishima sat next to me, equally as shaken. "Man," he spoke quietly, "That was terrifying."

"You didn't seem as scared as someone might expect, though," I mentioned, though my voice was a low mumble.

"Well, it's not my first run-in with villains," he sighed.

I froze, turning towards him. "What?"

"Never heard of the USJ incident, then?" he asked. I shook my head. "Well, to put it simply, our class - 1A, actually - went on a field trip to the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint,' where we were supposed to have rescue training. Before we could even finish the explanation, though, the League of Villains attacked." I felt a pang in my chest. I swear I've heard that name somewhere. "They weren't too organized - mainy some lower criminals - but they did have this guy who could create portals, one who could disintegrate everything he touched, and some mutant that could rival All Might's power."

My eyes widened. "Teleport? Disintegrate?! Rival All Might???"

Kirishima glanced down. "Yeah. The teleporting guy moved us all across the USJ, trying to kill All Might. You can't see it since his clothes cover it up, but at the USJ the disintegrating guy - Shigaraki, I think - messed up his arm. He's got a nasty scar now."
I blinked. Shigaraki. I know that name.

"Uhm...," I asked, "Who is this Shigaraki?"

"I think he's the League's leader or something? Actually," he sighed, "I think that's who was after you. He's got the blue hair and everything." He seemed a bit nervous.

He's hiding something.

"...What?" I straightened, stiff. "Why would someone like that come after me?"

Kirishima froze. "Uh... I don't know, man." He sat still for a moment. "Maybe it's because he saw you with All Might or something. He might think you're close and wants to get to you or something." I couldn't help but feel he wasn't telling the full truth, but I brushed it off.

My heart fell, though. "I don't want to put All Might in danger."

"Don't worry, man," Kirishima gave me a toothy grin. Although a bit nervous, he seemed genuine. "All Might ended up kicking them out of there. Even the guy who was supposed to be as strong as him."

I bit my lip, nodding. But you don't know about his condition.

Kirishima offered me a smile, placing his hand on my shoulder. "It's alright, man. Nobody will let anything happen to you. Heck," he laughed, "Even Aizawa-Sensei put his life on the line. The guy came in next class wrapped up in bandages. That's how you can tell he really does care," he rambled before finishing. "Anyways, my point is that all of the teachers at U.A. are like that. They won't let something bad happen on their watch."

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