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omg so many people left nice comments on the last chapter

tysm i am die ;,)

also im still doing the drawing replies thingy so feel free to ask some questions to these characters B)


please continue <3


"Midoriya," All Might said softly as we sat in one of U.A.'s rooms.

I didn't reply.

"It... I...," he couldn't seem to find the right words.

I raised my head slightly, whispering with a shaky voice. "Is it true?"

His eyes widened slightly. "Wh-what?"

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Am I really nothing but a villain?"

The man's eyes were wide and filled with pain.

My head fell, hair hanging over my eyes. "I knew it. That's why everyone hates me."

"Nobody hates you, Midoriya," he said softly, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I stiffened before shrugging away his hand and scooting away. "You're lying." The man seemed hurt, but I wasn't in the mood to care. "I saw how everyone looked at me when I first showed up. Now I know why."

"I...," All Might paused for a moment before sighing. "Young Midoriya, look at me." I remained still, and the man then softened his voice. "Please."

Reluctantly, I slowly raised my head to face him, tears in my eyes. "What?" I croaked.

He placed his hand on my shoulder once again, kneeling next to my seat. I still froze, but didn't move his hand away. "Nobody hates you. You need to know that."

"Then why-"

"Midoriya, things you've done in the past might've been bad. But you're a different person now. You're trying to do good things," he said, offering me a soft smile.

I looked down. "I hurt all of them. Because of me..."

"Hey, hey," All Might caught my attention. "The very fact that you feel sorry for what you've done is proof that you're not a bad person. You've... just been stuck in a bad situation, is all. Nobody's going to blame you for something you can't remember."

"I..." My throat felt dry.

"All of that's in the past now, alright? Don't dwell on it. You've got people in your corner, Young Midoriya. Friends who care about you." He offered me a kind smile. "Even me."

I felt tears begin to fall. "All Might," I whispered. "I'm scared."
"That's alright. You have a right to feel sad. Confused. Upset. Just know that we're all here for you," he said, pulling me into a hug. "Now you're just a normal kid. Remember that."

A mixture of emotions swirled around me as I shakily reached my hands behind the man before crying into his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thank you."

He smiled softly. "It's alright. It's alright, Young Midoriya."


Stepping through U.A.'s entrance, I felt a shiver travel down my spine. Hundreds of pairs of eyes pierced through me, whispers circulating around. "This feels familiar...," I mumbled to myself.

Glancing around, I searched for any sign of someone I knew, but I came up short. I supposed it wasn't exactly odd, as I was a bit late compared to my normal time.

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