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I felt myself stumble backwards and, before I could even glance around, I was thrown downwards into a chair, ropes being quickly fastened around my wrists.

After snapping out of my slight daze, I looked around, only to see several people crowding around me, each enveloped by the shadows.

"Wh-" I began, but was almost immediately cut off by a man with blue hair and - more noticeably - an embalmed hand settled over his face.

"So, brat, you're finally here," he said, grinning as he leaned against his fist.

I furrowed my brows. "Who are you?"

Dodging the question, he straightened slightly. "That doesn't matter. I'd like to invite you to the League of Villains."

I recoiled, bewildered. "What?!"

His lip quirked upwards as he spoke in a raspy voice. "Well?"

My heart raced as bile seemed to inch its way up my throat. "Why would you ask me something like that?"

"Oh, c'mon brat," he gave a slight, wicked chuckle. "Don't act like you don't know."

I bit my lip, attempting to ward away tears and shouts. "I don't know what you're talking about." Leave. Leave. Leave.

He sighed, standing. "Deku," he said in a chilling and venomous tone, "Stop playing these games."

I swallowed, feeling as if acid was running down my throat. "That... That isn't my name."

"Looks like he's really sticking to the act, huh?" a man said, my eyes darting to where he leaned against the wall. He looked as if he were part of a play, wearing a mask and semi-formal clothes. "I can admire an actor sticking so closely to his role."

"Ughhh, just knock it off, Deku-Kun," a blonde girl - who looked only a year or two older than me - groaned. "You're boring like this."

I inched backwards, pressing myself tightly against the chair that held me as I glanced around at the other (presumably) villains around the room. "What do you want with me...?"

"I already told you," the man sighed, "I'm offering for you to join the League."


"Yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes, reminding me of a child who wasn't getting his way. "You aren't a 'villain.' You're a great hero now, right?" he said sarcastically, an edge in his raspy voice. "Well, I hate to burst your bubble," he began to grin once again, "But you used to be a top villain, Deku. You had the whole city's police force looking after you with how many lives you've ruined and taken."

My throat felt dry, and my heart sank. "Be... Be quiet." I didn't mean to...

"You're a villain, admit it. There's no need to pretend you're not," the blue-haired man grinned evilly.

I felt a familiar voice tickle my ear. Why are you lying to yourself?

I suddenly jolted upwards, a chill running down my spine. Not again...

It'd be so much easier if you just gave in.

"Please," I whispered dryly, hanging my head and desperately wanting to hide away from the world. "Just leave me alone."

The blonde girl looked confused. "Who's he talking to?"

You're insane. Even the psycho notices.

"Be quiet," I growled.

Stop with this dumb act. Or are you gonna start saying "it's not a phase, mom" too?

My eye twitched. "What is wrong with you?!"

"Uh, I think something's wrong," a man with a patchwork face mentioned, raising a brow.

The formally-dressed man let out a slight chuckle. "It seems that way."

The blue-haired man's lips curled up further, a curious and wicked look in his visible eye. "Interesting."

I gritted my teeth as my head began pounding, a splitting headache radiating throughout my skull. I felt as if my head might explode.

Give up. You're a villain and nothing more.

The voices around me became muffled and the light above me seemed to brighten, blurring everything around me.

You can't just run from your problems.


Stop acting like a child and drop your ridiculous act.

"STOP," I said louder.

You're being nothing but a nuisance.

"SHUT UP!" I shouted before my head snapped upwards, eyes clearing themselves of blur and a distant ringing in my ears slowly fizzling out. I looked around at the puzzled and amused looks from the League, my heart falling.

"Well, then," the blue-haired man grinned. "Aren't you interesting?"

I lowered my head, a piercing pain shooting through my heart. "Leave me alone."

"I can't do that, Deku," he smirked. "Sorry, but even though you're our guest, I'm afraid I can't be leaving you alone. You will be joining the League."

Gritting my teeth, I shot my head up, glaring at him. "And why would I do that?!" I barked back.

He seemed more amused than anything by my outburst. "Because if you don't, the people you care about might just get hurt."

My eyes widened and my stomach churned. "What...?" I said, my throat back to its dry state.

"You heard me, brat," he laughed wickedly and childishly. "I'm not a complete idiot. I've kept tabs on you." His lip quirked upwards. "Who do you think sent that failure on the train? He was just some idiotic distraction so we could see what you were doing."

I felt as if I might puke.

"So," he continued poisonously, "Don't think I don't know about your stupid little friends. And more importantly, don't think I couldn't have them killed in a heartbeat."

I narrowed my eyes, though my breaths were shaky. "They could beat you. You've got nothing on them."

"Oh," he raised a brow, "Are you sure about that?" He tossed his head back slightly, my eyes drifting to his left where the rest of the villains stood around.

One man - the one with the scarred face - smirked slightly, lighting a blue flame in his palm, as the blonde girl beside him pulled out a knife, tracing the blade with her thumb as she grinned. Similarly, the formally-dressed man demonstrated his ability to easily capture things (and presumably people), and another showed off his ability to clone others by creating a copy of the one who held the blue flame.

I gulped. No...

"So," the blue-haired man brought my attention back to him as he grinned, "What'll it be, brat?"



idek whats going on in this chapter

especially the memey inside voice (LOL)



Thanks for reading! <3

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