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this song truly shows izu's powerful angst


yeah sorry about this, but I've dropped the angst down in this chapter ;(

I traded it for suspension :D

(and sap, but shhh)


please continue! <3

wait extra note:

the transition between this and the last chapter kinda suck because there was originally an in between chapter, but i trashed it because it was pretty useless

otherwise this chapter should be fine




"Deku," Shigaraki rasped, eyes flicking towards me as he took a drink. I glanced downwards before taking a seat at the opposite end of the bar, feeling as his eyes pierced through my skin.

    "I take it you remember?" he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

    Biting my lip, I looked to the side. "Some things."


    "I...," I sighed, burying my head in my hands. "I don't know."

    "What if," Shigaraki grinned, shaking his glass so the ice clinked together, "You were given a chance to get revenge?"

    Confused, I raised my head. "What...?"

    Shigaraki laughed, placing the glass down. "I know you're not that stupid." He turned towards me, a wild look in his eyes and a manic grin plastered across his face. "It'd be so easy."

    My fist instinctively clenched. "...How?"

    "Well," he stood from the stool, grinning, "By killing the Symbol of Peace, of course."

    Eyes widening, I stared at him. "There-"

    "Now now," he laughed, a trace of poison in his voice, "Don't go backing out on me before I've even explained." His eyes flicked towards my uneasy expression, "Do you think he deserves your mercy?"

    Fingers twitching, I took in a shaky breath before letting out an awkward laugh. "Not in the least." I squeezed my eyes shut, a sharp pain shooting through my heart. Ignoring it, though, I raised my head once more, connecting eyes with Shigaraki. "Why?"

    "Great," he grinned, sliding a box across the table. "It won't be hard. As long as he's distracted, he'll be an easy kill." He sat back down, laughing to himself and absentmindedly scratching at his neck. "The final boss... Gone forever..." After a moment, he seemed to break free from his daze, noticing my confusion. "Anyways, if you kill him, everyone who's wronged you is bound to be fearful. The city's morale will be in shambles, and those ridiculous hero course students won't know what to do. Actually," he laughed wickedly, "The school might be closed after its reputation takes such a hit! Imagine," he whipped his head around, his grin sending a chill down my spine. "After the school let in a villain, they already took a hit. But if that villain betrays them?" He laughed once again, "U.A. will fall."

    After he glanced at me, I stiffened before turning towards the box. Hesitantly, I reached my fingers towards the cover before biting my lip and hastily ripping the top off.

    Upon only seeing a pile of cloth, I shot Shigaraki a confused look.

    "Open it," he laughed.

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