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quality meem by UrarakaIsTooCute


happy birthday to her

i uh

posted a little late coz i forgot so its not actually her bday anymore but yk B)



also this chapter is mainly uraraka angst, and i wrote it partly to eggsplain deku's past so B)

have fun with that :P


Uraraka ran her fingers through her hair, squeezing her eyes shut. "Okay," she whispered to herself. "I'm doing this to help. It's fine." She glanced around for a moment, biting her lip as she crept through the hall of the dorms - which, after some careful planning, was added as a new extension to U.A.. And, although Izuku was still allowed to live at home unlike the other students, he did occasionally stay at the dorm with everyone else.

She winced with every creak her steps produced, pausing for a moment each time to avoid making further noise. After what seemed like forever, though, she finally made it to Izuku's room, taking in a deep breath as she stood in front of the door.

"I really hope this doesn't end poorly," Uraraka mumbled to herself before stepping forwards, and, with bated breath, pushing open the door.

Raising her head slightly, she watched as the door opened into the darkness, glancing around before quickly slipping inside and closing the door behind her, absentmindedly flicking the lights on.

Steps light, Uraraka began to glance around Izuku's room, clenching her fist on top of her chest as each item came into view. It especially hurt, though, when she noticed something like an All Might figurine or some other hero-themed merchandise.

If she were in a different circumstance, she gave a rattly laugh as the thought crossed her mind, she probably would've teased him for such a thing. But now, as she gulped, Uraraka could feel nothing but guilt.

After shaking away her thoughts, she continued forwards, curiously peeking into his drawers for... well, anything.

Uraraka hadn't known much about Izuku - not really. Only that he had been a villain before transferring to their school. Only that..., she sighed to herself, ...that he was a really good person afterwards.

Her fingers traced through each drawer, hoping to find a hint of his past. Like... Why did Izuku become a villain in the first place? And why did Nezu transfer him to their class? And..., a chill went down her spine at the thought, would he ever become a villain again?

Although encompassed in her thoughts, something caught her eye. It was a simple notebook, but something about it was... familiar.

Carefully, she picked the book up and scanned over the cover before letting out a slight gasp.

She had seen the boy writing in it before, and she giggled as he mumbled to himself about heroics and such. Uraraka, however, had never bothered to actually look in the notebook, instead happy to be charmed by his contagious joy.

After pausing for a moment, she clenched her hands around the notebook and took notice of the label that indicated it was the second notebook he had written before beginning to flip through its pages.

Her eyes widened as each page went on, every single one outlining heroic information. Weaknesses, costume design, personality - practically everything. Yet somehow, Uraraka didn't find herself worried in the least bit. Rather than villainous plans, the words seemed like the everyday ramblings of a teen who wished to be a hero - just like her.

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