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I hope you appreciate this super long one (I figured you'd like it better than a bunch of separate ones - sorry if I was wrong, lol)

I mean, I can still separate them if you want me to :P

strap in because there's 29 minutes of reading ahead, fools


-x- Izuku Midoriya's POV -x-

I gasped upon walking into the huge observation room. "Woah!"

"That's right," Uraraka smiled, laughing. "You've never been here."

"The quality is quite nice," Iida commented. "Unfortunately, though, there's no sound."

"I'm sure there's enough cool action to make up for it," I grinned.

Iida nodded. "Of course."

"The first two teams to fight will be Asui and Jiro against Mineta and Tokoyami," Aizawa announced - albeit dully. "They're already in their areas, so there's not much else to say."

I raised a brow. "Uh... Is it always like this?"

Kaminari sighed, drawing my attention. "No. Usually All Might teaches these lessons. But with Aizawa I have a feeling this is gonna suck."

"Hey, I'm sure it won't be that bad," Uraraka said, but her nervous smile didn't reassure me any.

"Ooh!" Ashido explained, pointing to the screen. "It's starting!"

The class turned to look at the screen. Boths teams were about a mile away from the building, though at opposite sides. On the screen, Asui and Jiro spoke, and it looked like a productive conversation. However, Tokoyami seemed to be having issues with Mineta, as the boy was panicking.

"How strong are they all?" I asked to no one in particular.

"I mean, from what I've seen, Tsuyu's - Asui's - quirk is super versatile," Uraraka replied.

"Something similar can be said for Tokoyami's quirk," Iida added. "They're both incredibly strong."

Kaminari nodded. "Jiro's pretty strong too. Plus, she has like, super hearing so she can basically sense anyone coming."

I tilted my head to the side. "What about Mineta?" Each of my classmates glanced away, their faces showing forms of disgust. Though, Kaminari didn't seem to mind as much as the others.

"Well uh...," Ashido mumbled, walking up to us. "To put it simply, he's a total perv."

"Oh...," I said awkwardly.

Iida sighed. "Yes. It causes quite a bit of trouble for us. But I can't say that he's not strong. His quirk, I suppose, can work well for a variety of situations."

I nodded before smiling. "I really can't wait to see everyone's quirks." My eyes widened and I smacked my hand against my head. "Dang it!"

"Is something wrong, Midoriya?" Iida asked.

I sighed. "I totally forgot to bring my notebook. It would've been cool to document everything..."

Uraraka raised a brow. "Notebook?"

Blushing, I laughed nervously. "Don't worry about it."


"Go, Tsuyu!" Ashido cheered, dragging our attention towards the screen. Tsuyu leapt into the air, sending her tongue towards Tokoyami. Tokoyami, however, simply narrowed his eyes, and a shadow appeared from under his cloak.

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