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-x- Third Person POV -x-

The room watched with an intense curiosity as Midoriya yelled at Todoroki, before a smile appeared on the boy's face. Each of their expressions turned into those of shock, before All Might suddenly gained one of panic.

"Young Todoroki, DON'T!" he shouted into his mic, with Aizawa becoming more alert as well.

"What's going..."

Ashido trailed off, each student's eyes glued to the screen as they watched an incredible explosion erupt from seemingly thin air.

Several gasps rang throughout the viewing area, each person watching the screen with bated breath.

All Might gave Aizawa a look before he ran from the room, creating a large gust of wind from the force of his running.

"Mr. Aizawa, what's going on?" Uraraka croaked.

"It's alright," he said, though he seemed unsure. "All Might's going to handle it."

Each of the students' eyes - along with Aizawa's - settled on the screen as the dust cleared, a smokiness in the air.

They watched Midoriya sat up slightly, Todoroki pressed against a wall. Their eyes trailed towards the side before widening with a glance towards Kirishima.

"Is that...," Uraraka's voice shook, gulping as she pointed at the blood dripping down the wall.

Iida's eyes suddenly widened. "The wall is cracking!"

Each student looked to see what Iida was talking about, before watching as the ceiling crumbled above a dazed Kirishima.

"Kirishima, no!" Ashido gasped.

Much to the class' surprise, however, a streak of green suddenly leapt across the screen, heading towards the redhead.

Uraraka instantly realized who it was, stepping forwards with fear in her eyes. "No, Izuku!"

Everyone in the room watched as Midoriya jumped, while Kirishima looked on with wide eyes.

"No way...," Kaminari whispered.

The ceiling, having suffered enough damage, suddenly caved inwards, sending the chunk of cement down towards the two boys. However, Midoriya gritted his teeth before giving Kirishima a heavy shove, pushing him out of the way.

Dust filled the screen once again, causing each student to stare anxiously.

Uraraka felt as a lump rise in her throat. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be-

She suddenly smacked her hand over her mouth, eyes wide. Izuku sat helplessly in a heap on the floor, leg crushed under a large chunk of rock.

Kirishima quickly rushed over to the boy, his expression swirling with a mixture of emotions. Though, as Izuku opened his eyes, a small smile spread across his lips. As his body laid, battered and bruised. He smiled.

Uraraka's voice shook, tears welling up in her eyes. "Izuku..."

It was clear that Midoriya was in immense pain as he gritted his teeth, barely listening to what Kirishima was saying. As he lowered himself on the ground, eyes drooping, everyone watched as a deafening silence fell over the room.

All Might, though, appeared on screen, heaving the rock into the air before tossing it to the side. He bent down next to Izuku, reassuring him as he drifted into unconsciousness.

To say the room was in chaos would be an understatement.


It had been days since Class 1A had seen the green-haired boy. Of course, they all made efforts to visit him, but it'd never match the real thing. After seeing him in action, everyone had felt guilty about judging him on his past.

Uraraka would sit next to his bedside between each class, tears dripping down her cheeks as she held his hand in hers, telling stories about what had happened at school.

"Today we had combat training again," Uraraka squeezed Izuku's hand, holding back sobs. "And... And Iida got upset at Bakugo for being reckless. It was kinda funny, really. And then," she laughed slightly, wiping away tears, "Bakugo challenged him before Kirishima pulled him away."

Uraraka allowed her gaze to drift downwards, dark circles under her eyes. Out of anyone in the class, she was in the worst shape.

"Everyone feels bad, y'know," she gave a weak smile. "They all know that you're a good person now. You should've seen Kirishima. He kept yelling about how he did something unmanly, and he'd do anything to make up for it." Uraraka forced out a laugh. "And uhm... Todoroki has been a lot more open with everyone lately. He's even joined us at lunch a few times." She sighed, rubbing her thumb against Izuku's hand. "And it's all because of you..."

Uraraka shifted in her seat, continuing. "In case you're wondering, everyone else is okay. Todoroki was the least injured, since he's resistant to his fire, so Recovery Girl healed him pretty easily." She winced slightly, remembering Kirishima's previous state. "Kirishima, though, was in pretty bad shape. But because you saved him," she smiled with tears in her eyes, "He was alright. And Aoyama was a few floors above when it happened, so he was fine too."

After a moment, she let out a slight sigh. Biting her lip, Uraraka blinked away her tears. "I'm going to be strong like you, Izuku. I swear. No matter what, I won't give up...!" She laughed, smiling. "Cheesy, huh? But it's true."

Uraraka's eyes trailed the tubing connected to Izuku's body, his expression peaceful. The monitor next to him beeped regularly, bringing Uraraka a sense of anxiety - a worry that at some point, the pattern would stop. She took in a deep breath, glancing downwards. "You inspired me a whole lot, Izuku. So uhm... I really hope you wake up soon... Because...," she choked back a sob, "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you now."

As the bell rang, she quickly stood to leave, wiping away her tears. "Well," she smiled, "I should be going." She glanced at Izuku, fighting back the urge to bawl into his chest. After a moment, she turned around. For a split second, though, she could've sworn she felt someone squeeze her hand.

Uraraka, eyes wide, quickly spun around. "...Izuku?" she whispered. However, there was no response. Izuku simply laid there, chest rising and falling as he breathed. Sighing, Uraraka smiled. "Thank you."


wow this chapter kinda sucks yayayayayaayayay

but it's from the class' pov so wompwomp








Thanks for reading! <3

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