A Red Flower

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ok 1. on the list

sorry for the late chapter B)))

uhhhh for the past 2 days it may or not have been because i started watching hxh buT SHHHH B)







also also i wrote like half of it on high night brain so if there's memey things/horrible parts then that's (probably) why B)



okay there's a lot of people getting irrationally angry about the whole "death" thing and I have no idea why



The entire mall was blanketed in a thick, palpable silence, with each and every eye turned towards the scene. Izuku paused for a moment before feeling as if he were filled with a burst of energy, clenching and unclenching his hands while he breathed heavily.

His lips quirked up into a smile, only for his expression to fall when his eyes dragged themselves downwards.

Eyes widening, Izuku felt as if his heart had stopped in the middle of a beat, legs shaking until they gave way under him. He ignored the soreness radiating from his knees, fingers trembling as they reached up to cover his mouth.

"No...," he whispered.

Izuku watched helplessly as blood grew into the fabric before him, like a rose blooming in a garden of cloth. It was far from beautiful, though. It was sickening.

The freckled boy felt as tears rolled down his cheeks, feeling as if he could choke on the air around him.

He watched through blurry eyes as Aizawa rushed over, fashioning his capture weapon into a makeshift, waisted tourniquet around the wound.

It was as if sound itself had disappeared, leaving only him and a pale body in front of him.

Stop freaking out about the goddang line below - just continue reading on or move on from the story. I'm sick of "nope im leaving," telling me im a bad person for doing this, etc. because I wrote angst in an angsty story. It'll get better, which you'll know if you don't just drop it.

Sorry, but christ it needed to be said.

Uraraka's body.

Izuku ran his fingers through his hair, trying but failing to bite back tears as they spilled from his eyes, unable to look away from the seeping blood despite the sickening feeling that churned within his stomach.

The boy crawled desperately towards the girl, ignoring the shaking weakness in his limbs as he did so.

"Uraraka," he whispered, brushing her hair from her forehead. The girl barely winced, face pale as she forced herself to breathe. Her fingers were curled into claws, wishing to swoop towards her wound, only to be batted away by Aizawa as he attended to it.

Ignoring the man behind him, Izuku inched closer. "Please," he mumbled desperately, tears wetting her clothes. "Don't die. I..."

He let out a shaky breath as Uraraka's eyes travelled upwards, just barely able to focus on Izuku's face.

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