Settling In

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Hi, my name is Rosie. I've just moved down to London, I have a job in a bar in quiet part of the city on the east end. Its alright, full of old people telling stories most of the time. Their past is quiet entertaining actually. I've only been here 3 days though, its quite nerve racking living in London.

"Rosie, can you cover Dan's shift tomorrow night? I know you've never done a closing but I think you'll do just fine, you seem to be getting on great." My boss shouted over. Oh gosh, a finish? On a Wednesday? How dead that's gonna be, ugh. "Sure, what time do i start?" Cameron, my boss, walked over. "Do you mind starting at 6? We call last orders at 11:30 and ask everyone to leave at 12. Regulars will know but there's always the odd one who doesn't." I nodded. "Sure thing, i'll be here." Cameron smiled and patted me on the shoulder, "Thanks girl, you're proving to be a great member of the team! You can go home now, get a good night sleep for tomorrow." I smiled, I'm so glad he thinks that. I do try my hardest. I grabbed my bag and coat and headed back to my apartment.

I put a pizza and some chips in the oven and hit the shower. After my shower i got into my comfiest pyjamas and put on the movie Maze Runner as i ate my dinner.

Ugh, Newt is absolutely gorgeous. I thought to myself.

Just as the movie had finished, I had finished my dinner. It was 10:49pm, so I put my things in the sink, turned off my TV and headed to the bathroom to finish off my nightly routine.

Wash my face, face oil, don't forget that you muppet. Umm... where's th- oh moisturiser, there it is! Teeth girl, come on, before you fall asleep standing up.

I constantly run through my routine in my head, i guess its what you do when you live alone.

11:05pm I finally crawled into bed.

The next morning, I woke up around 9am. Got into my robe and slippers and headed to the kitchen for coffee. I changed into my work out clothes and headed out for a morning run. I ran down the river and through a small park before heading back to my apartment. Its so peaceful in this part of London, I really quite like it here.

As I reached my floor, I passed one of the residents, "Morning." He said in a husky voice, "Good morning." I smiled back. "I would stop and chat but I'm late for filming. Sorry love, see you around." I nodded. Wow, he's handsome. He looks kind of familiar too. Maybe I've seen him here before...

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