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While everyone was eating, Rosie movied from our end of tbe table to the other where her friends were sat. She perched on Michael's lap and hugged him. I didn't mind to be honest, I know he's done a lot for her before she found her job here. I respect him for it actually, not many guys I know would take in their friend after they got out of a breakup like that.

-Rosie's p.o.v-

I can't believe Thomas did all this! He's such a sweetie, I really do love him. "I missed you girl! Come here!" Michael whispered as he pulled me in for another hug. "I missed you too Michael." I replied. "So how's London treating you?" Jade asked. "Its great, I live in the same building as Thomas so its easier to see him and he's been showing me around London on our days off. He really is amazing." I said smiling over at him. I'm assuming he heard because I could see his cheeks blushing a little. "I hope he treats you right, I don't want my best girl getting hurt like that again. I just care about you so much." Michael really is the sweetest! I've missed him the most to be honest.

-Thomas's p.o.v-
"I hope he treats you right, I don't want my best girl getting hurt like that again. I just care about you so much." Michael said, while giving me a stern look. My best girl? Excuse me, she's my girl. Not his. I bloody hate jealousy! "Hey, Dyl... I'm going outside for a smoke." I sighed. "Oka- Are you alright dude?" I shook my head and glanced toward Michael and Rosie who were laughing and joking about, Dylan instantly caught on. "Ohh... Want me to come out with you?" I nodded and left abruptly.

"So, why that look toward the guy Rosie's with? They're just friends, right?" Dylan's right but there's something, I can sense it. "Right... But I can sense something between them. Maybe not on Rosie's side but definitely Michael's. I hate jealousy so bloody much but sometimes I just can't help it Dyl." Another sigh escaped me as I slumped to the floor and buried my head between my knees. "Man, I've never seen you like this over a girl before. You really, really love her don't you?" I looked up at him and nodded. "Like no one I've ever loved before. She's so so perfect, I can't even explain..." "I know she's perfect." Said a voice I didn't recognise... until I looked up. Michael, great. "She's beautiful in every way, man you're so lucky to have her. I'd do anything to be with her, anything. When she told me she was movine to London I was honestly a little heartbroken because I'd really started to fall for her but I couldn't tell her that, she was so happy about this job. So I did what any beat friend would do and put my feelings to one side and pretended I was happy for her. Well, I didn't totally pretend, I was happy for her in a way." He sighed as he joined me on the floor. Dylan and I were both in shock to be honest. "Please, take good care of her Thomas." He sounded a little broken as he finished his sentence. Now I just feel guilty... "I promise. She's told me everything by the way, not many guys would do what you did for her but now I understand why you did it. Thankyou for being there for her mate." I put my arm round him in a "manly" way and hugged it out. He's actually a really nice guy, why was jealousy getting the better of me?

"There my favourite boys!" Now that voice, I recognised that straight away. Michael and I jumped up from the ground and Rosie hugged us both at the same time. She's just the sweetest. "I love you Tommy, you too Michael but obviously not the way I love Thomas." She giggled. Oh man, I can see the hurt in Michael's face but he's still smiling down on her, being happy for her. I squeezed his shoulder tight as a sign of compassion as she walked away, and as she did his smile quickly faded. "Thanks Thomas, I needed that when she said that." He sighed. "Anytime mate, I can't imagine how that must of felt but Rosie won't even realise how it hurt you which probably sucks even more..." He nodded in reply. "Well, I'm gonna go in I need the toilet."

We both nodded at eachother before he walked away. "Dude, thats kinda rough." Dylan whispered. "I know... But he's such a nice guy, why was I even jealous in the first place?"

I  am soooo sorry about not updating! I've just lost all imagination to this book but i think my writing has improved?? idk, i hope y'all are good tho! x

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